If I owned a business that I wanted to operate STRICLY on the internet, I too would have a charge that made ppl mad and made them not want to do it again. It's just like a deterrant against a certain thing that the business doesn't want.
Example: I don't like reloading computers for a living, but if someone comes in and wants it done I'll gladly backup all their stupid MP(FRIGGIN')s's and all their email, documents, and pictures. Format, reload, and stick it all back. However, I charge them $150 because I don't want that particular business, U know? Not b/c I'm tryin' to be competitive w/ the kid down the street that will do it all for $50
know what I mean?
I still think that it sucXorZ that they do it too...but I think that this is Y they do it... to discourage that storefront aire that they don't want to get.