MVD instructor refused to give test......


Senior member
Jan 16, 2002
this happend in phoenix MVD(i'm used to call it DMV in Cali) on 57th and bell rd
a friend of mine went to take the test, but since she can't speak english well..she went with her friend and asked if her friend is ok to translate while taking the test...then he refused to give test(behind the wheel) because she can't speak this possible??? he was saying he had 5 accidents and twice he had be in hospital cause of lack of communication then the guy took her paper and went into his office
if the job is risky anddangerous y not be in WINDOW 22 for "I.D. Picture" god i hate dmv and especially Parking Enforcement(they think they're LAPD)


Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2000
well if she can't speak english, can she read it? if not, then how the hell is she going to read the fvcking road signs?


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
yeah i can see where that might be a little dangerous, especially if she has to listen to his commands as the instructor giving the test. probably not good to have the translation lag time. it's a privlidge, not a right. :)



Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2001

<< this happend in phoenix MVD(i'm used to call it DMV in Cali) on 57th and bell rd
a friend of mine went to take the test, but since she can't speak english well..she went with her friend and asked if her friend is ok to translate while taking the test...then he refused to give test(behind the wheel) because she can't speak this possible??? he was saying he had 5 accidents and twice he had be in hospital cause of lack of communication then the guy took her paper and went into his office
if the job is risky anddangerous y not be in WINDOW 22 for "I.D. Picture" god i hate dmv and especially Parking Enforcement(they think they're LAPD)

Boy, that instructor was really mean! You think that they could just put a restriction on her license, requiring her to have a translator in the car at all times. You know, like a restriction requiring her to wear glasses or something. That would make much more sense than requiring her to learn the English language. The nerve of some people. This instructor sounds like he was trying to enforce his own moral views, not allowing her to take the exam. Sheesh, like it's his responsibility or something to make sure people are prepared to drive before getting their license. Some nerve!



Oct 19, 2001
<<like it's his responsibility or something to make sure people are prepared to drive before getting their license. Some nerve!

I hope that was sacastic! ;)
Because...guess what! IT IS HIS JOB TO MAKE SURE PEOPLE ARE PREPARED TO DRIVE!!! I can't believe that people don't understand the term "priviledge" - sheesh! :| Can't read our signs...LEARN ENGLISH!!! Thems be da rulz! ;)

Oct 9, 1999
Here in Cali (not sure in your state) the dmv book states that the driver has to be able to understand basic english and read and understand road signs.

I believe this rule is for most other states.

only thign I can suggest is the person take ESL classes at a local community college before trying takign it again. You need to have basic comprehension to read stuff like road signs etc etc.

I feel the instructor was fair... given the fact that the person getting the licence cannot speak or read basic english terms.. requiring a translator all the time is not possible.

Antisocial Virge

Diamond Member
Dec 13, 1999

<< Boy, that instructor was really mean! You think that they could just put a restriction on her license, requiring her to have a translator in the car at all times. >>

I'm sorry but HAHAHAHAHAHAAH. I hope your not serious.

EDIT: Nevermind I guess you were not ;)


Jun 1, 2001
Maybe that was part of the test...You know, they can stop it anytime...

Remember that driving is a privilege and not a right