music theory


Golden Member
Jun 2, 2000
argghh..I'm taking that class now with very little music background; all of the other kids in my class have been learning music for 4+ years and I'm lost while the teacher talk about triads, tritone, perfect 8, major 6, etc, soooo anybody know of good:

1) beginner's music theory books that are comprehensive (not a book that teaches how to play an instrument, but a book on pitch, tempo, dynamic, notes and other music theory stuff)

2) a software music theory tutorial

3) a music notation program (preferably free)...I am currently using noteworthy - it seems nice but it's shareware


Diamond Member
Nov 2, 1999
I minored in music theory in college. The books I used were helpful but I had quite a few years experience going in, so, not sure if they'd be helpful to you AND it was close to 10yrs ago that I used them so they aren't likely available anymore. I'd suggest:

Buddying up with someone who can teach you the basics.
Whole Notes / Half-Notes
Where the notes are on a staff (helps with the first item)

Get yourself a piano keyboard (cheap electronic will do) and play each example on the keyboard.

Once you get the basics down, the rest falls into place. Mostly it's all about patterns.



Sep 10, 2001
My GF was a music major. Jsut a few years ago. And she's got a bunch of friends. If you're on later, I'll post what I find out (won't see her until later)