multiplier settings on A7V (non a).. not available in the bios?


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Okay.. I got the older A7V.. not the 133a, and I'm ready to change the multiplier on my 900.. I just flashed to the latest bios on the Asus site, version 1007.. my older version didn't have multiplier adjustments in the bios, so I thought maybe this one would.. it doesn't.. so I have to enable jumper mode on the board.. In the manual it shows the jumper that does that... but it also shows some other ones.. vid1 vid2 vid3 vid4.. do I need to change these too? And if I set it to jumper free, does that mean that I have to go all over the board and set everything.. including the vcore, fsb and everything else? Cause I'm thinking that in jumper mode, the bios doesn't control any of that.. so that I would have to set everything..? is this the case? thanks.


Golden Member
Feb 7, 2000
Are U saying that you changed the multiplier in BIOS or via the dip switches on the Mobo? I thought this could only be done on the Board revisions after 1.2. I have Rev 1.2 and can only cange via dip switches and some mild FSB . Mine is at 103FSB.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
yeah.. on board.. sweeeet!!! It survived the night.. my fsb is at 100, I'm worried about destabalizing it if I change that.. it would be nice to hit 1.1 gig though.. but yeah.. I only have stock cooling... (cept for a couple of blow holes).. but the cooler is the stock one... I would like some higher memory scores though.. have to wait.. I haven't tried to push it yet.. I think thi chip might be okay to do 1.2.. I hope I hope.. just have to save up some cash to get that alpha.. (it's sad I know, I'm broke I'm broke.. )