Muhammed Ali


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2005
Lets face the facts. He was a great fighter, but a not so great person.

Everywhere I turn and hear or read something about's always about how he's somebody's hero, or about how great he was.


What's so great about bad-mouthing every other fighter, including Joe Frazier who helped him get his license back to fight and even lent him money? He claimed to fight for the blacks, and that any black person who rooted for Frazier in their fights was an Uncle Tom.

What's so great about purposely losing to Leon Spynx and then fighting him shortly after that and beating him to claim the title back just so he could be the first guy to lose and reclaim the title 3 times?

What's so great about somebody who spouts "I'm so beautiful" all the time?

What's so great about him (somehow) beating an unstoppable 2/1 favored George Foreman who looked dazed and drugged in a fight and then NEVER wanting to fight him again? George waited for years for a rematch until he said screw it because the wuss wouldn't fight him.

The guy is arrogant. He's self-centered. He's a prick.


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2005
Sorry it's kind of a stupid post, but I wanted to make it so that you could Google "Ali is a prick" and somewhere down the line somebody will find my post and then they'll think "hey, I'm not alone". Maybe it will start a movement and everyone will realize that this guy's attitude is no different then Terrell Owens or Kobe Bryant.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
And, at this point in his life, with parkinsons, etc, just trying to hang on, why does it matter? The guy was a great fighter. That is what he will be remembered for, ok. I'm sure I could go google for dirt on just about anyone. If that is your agenda, then you need to get a life. ;)