MSI P6N... press F1 to continue.. um ok... SLI Platinum...


Elite Member
Apr 16, 2000
I just put together a system with the above mentioned MSI P6N SLI Platinum, and every time during the boot process, after the drives are detected, it halts and gives a press F1 to continue message. There is no error message given, and the system boots and runs fine after hitting F1, but it's rather annoying to have to do every time. I don't see an option in the BIOS to not halt on errors, but again, there is no error message, so I don't know why it's halting in the first place. Anyone seen this, or know how to get rid of this annoying behavior? thanx


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
What BIOS are you running? Update to 1.05 and see if you still get the problem. Also, are you doing any OC'ing at all? There should be a halt on all errors setting in the BIOS, which I left on. Unless its not liking one of your settings I'd go back and double-check your settings. Also, I'd disable anything you're not using, like 2nd SATA controller, E-SATA, Firewire, Com ports etc.


Elite Member
Apr 16, 2000
Do you mean 1.5? That's what I'm running. I am overclocking, but that's not the problem, because I still get the same F1 message if I use default BIOS settings.

"There should be a halt on all errors setting in the BIOS, which I left on. "

Where is it? I couldn't find it, and search of the PDF manual turned up nothing either.

I already had everything I don't use disabled. I don't understand why it is doing this and not giving any sort of error message so I know what I am looking for to try and fix this.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Hmmm ya went back and checked today as I was playing with my Q6600 and didn't see it in there....try Quick Boot enabled? Or possibly something in your boot device priority?