MSI K8N Neo2 Raid problems


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2004
I was wondering what the proper configuration would be (bios and physical connections) for my system that has 4 SATA drives and 2 cd-rom drives. Right now I have 2 drives SATA1 and SATA2 in raid 0 and the other two SATA3 and SATA4 in raid 1. My cd drives are on IDE channel 1 in master and slave config. My master cd rom is very slow and I get an error from the nvidia storage controller that a service has to shut down, but yet everything still works. I disable both cd-roms (channel 1) and the error does not come up????


Senior member
Oct 30, 2000
I've been having problems with SATA on this board too. Basically, the performance is piss poor.

With dual raptors on this board, I get 57MB/sec throughput in Sandra. On the Gigabyte 939, I get 106MB/sec.

I have the SATA drives on SATA1 and SATA2 (though I tried 3&4 as well, and combinations of 1/3, 2/4, 1/4, etc). My 2 PATA drives are on the Primary IDE channel (Jumpered CS/Cable Select), and my DVDRW is on the secondary IDE channel (middle connector, also jumpered CS).

On the Gigabyte GA-K8NSNXP-939 I have it set up the same exact way, but I get 2X the performance.

What nforce drivers did you use to install during the F6 portion of setup? The ones from MSI's site or the ones from nvidia's site?



Junior Member
Aug 23, 2004
I used what came with the motherboard it says nforce3 SATA raid driver. I get around 100 in sandra and 130 in pcpistop, but I think that there is a problem with my cd rom it seems slow. I get that error nvraidservice has encountered an error and needs to shut down when I first come up in windows.

BTW you have basically the same rig as I do, but your memory is kicking the living piss out of mine. Are you over clocked? I get like 5300 on both I have (2x 512) ocz pc3500el

What is even more funny I had the same "old rig" that u did p4c800 and 3.4c strange....


Junior Member
Aug 23, 2004
Does your cd/dvd roms come up in your raid bios when it scans the arrays?