I am in a quandry and I wonder if anyone has had any experience with my situation. I was given a "new" K8N NEO2 (non platinum) motherboard and I purchased a 165 opteron because I have an agp card and I don't have the cash to upgrade to pci-e at the moment. My problem is this board will board will support dual core procs, but only after flashing to the latest bios. I do not have a single core 939 proc to use to flash the bios to support my dual core opty. Has anyone tried to post a dual core proc on one of these mobos? I am leary of just plopping it in and firing it up for fear of damaging it. I called msi and the tech said the motherboard will support dual core after flashing but could not answer my question about whether the board will post and allow access to boot to dos prompt for flashing. I am considering ordering a used single core from ebay to flash with, but it seems like a pain in the neck if I can avoid it, I would rather. Thanks in advance for any assistance.