MSI K8N NEO 2 Platinum And SATA


Junior Member
Aug 18, 2004
Hey Guys,

I have received my Neo2 Platinum along with an Athlon 64 3800 and 2 sticks of Ballistix DDR3200 memory. The question I have prior to building and installing Windows XP Pro is do I need to install the NVIDIA RAID Drivers during OS installation if I plan on using a single SATA harddrive or two drives in non-raid configuration? I've been through the raid set up before on my Gigabyte 8INXP (remember that board?) using the whole F6 then F10 routine so I'm aware of the raid setup routine. I am just trying to find out if its necessary.
Also I've been seeing some mention of problems with the Ballistix memory and I'm wondering if those that are having problems are running the memory at the recommended 2.8V.

Any advise would be appreciated as this is my first AMD build. Thanks!!


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2000
Originally posted by: DuckNWeave
Hey Guys,

I have received my Neo2 Platinum along with an Athlon 64 3800 and 2 sticks of Ballistix DDR3200 memory. The question I have prior to building and installing Windows XP Pro is do I need to install the NVIDIA RAID Drivers during OS installation if I plan on using a single SATA harddrive or two drives in non-raid configuration? I've been through the raid set up before on my Gigabyte 8INXP (remember that board?) using the whole F6 then F10 routine so I'm aware of the raid setup routine. I am just trying to find out if its necessary.
Also I've been seeing some mention of problems with the Ballistix memory and I'm wondering if those that are having problems are running the memory at the recommended 2.8V.

Any advise would be appreciated as this is my first AMD build. Thanks!!

You don't need to use any raid drivers if you aren't going to do raid.
Just install windows normally.


Aug 1, 2004
Hey Duck,

I've got the same config coming in the mail. Curious to see how it goes for you. Will post my results when I can get everything set up. Keeping fingers crossed about RAM. Anandtech's memory review seemed to indicate good possibilities, but we'll see.

Good luck!


Junior Member
Aug 18, 2004
Hey Guys,

Thanks for the response. Everything has arrived except my new case which will hopefully arrive tomorow. I'll be sure to post a few notes once she's up and running.


Aug 1, 2004
Got everything up and running. Everything is fine except for occasional lock up at 'Platinum' splash screen pre-POST. Not sure how to fix that, or if it is problem with mobo.

When it does work, it jams. Hoping to find solution for the times it don't boot up.


Golden Member
Apr 25, 2004
There seems to be problems with the BIOS and combination of RAM.

Certain RAM settings in the BIOS will make the system critically unstable. Settings that shouldn't do squat to start with.

There's a new BIOS to download as well but that doesn't seem to resolve the issue for everyone. It may be because some have already setup the correct settings in the BIOS and also updated the BIOS.

Not sure.

I'm still waiting on RAM reviews before buying mine and toying with it. So far it appears to be mostly a BIOS issue.

Hopefully it will remain a BIOS issue and not a hardware issue.