MSI K7t266 PRO Raid (MS-6380)......Are these normal defaults...(please read)


Senior member
Jun 17, 2001
I have the MSI k7T266 Pro Raid board with the AMD Athlon 1.4 Ghz with 266 Mhz FSB and 512mb of Micron DDR pc2100 memory. When I booted the computer of rhte first time, the FSB was only at 200Mhz and the proecessor was only at 1050 MHz. Do these sound like normal defaults? And how do I it so the CPU is at 1400 MHZ and the FSB is at 266MHZ. When I only changed the FSB from 100/200MHZ to 133/266MHZ the system locked up. What do you suggest?


Senior member
Jun 18, 2001
Hmm...Sometimes this is often the case, all you have to do like you attemped to do is change the FSB to 133, but also you'll need to lower the multiplier and since your Tbird should come factory unlocked that shouldn't be a prob. Go into thye bios and change the FSB to 133 and then change the multiplier to 10.5 I think. That should solve this. Hope this helps. BTW, you like that motherboard, it's tempting to get it ^_^.


Senior member
Jan 31, 2001
Hello there....what you're describing is pretty common. It seems obvious that you're running on BIOS version 1.0 and I strongly advise you to flash your BIOS to version 1.3 (you can get them at

If you want to get your CPU to 1.4 GHz running on 266 FSB, simply adjust the FSB speed and nothing else. You don't need to fiddle with the multiplier cuz they are set where they need to be.

Current = (100 FSB x 10.5) = 1050 MHz
Adjust = (133 FSB x 10.5) = 1400 MHz

If you have more questions, go to MSI Hardware The guys over there will be able to help you!


Junior Member
Jun 19, 2001
After flashing the BIOS as bpt8056 said - which is very important! - you should do as I told you before: Load Optimized Defaults. That will solve your problem, and enable you to access Hardware Monitor Setup. It worked for me.

It is a fantastic board btw, haven't had a single problem.


Senior member
Jun 17, 2001
What would cause my system to lock up after i changed the FSB to 133/266? After switching this in the bios a few times and still getting locked up, the processor stopped working. I returned the processor, b/c it was dead some how. Do you think it was a bad processor or what? I just don't want to get a new processor and have the same thing happen to it, b/c getting a 3rd one would be very hard.


Junior Member
Jun 19, 2001
Don't know but I had a similar problem, my computer froze every time I exited from Hardware Monitor Setup, which was blank, I couldn't change fsb or anything. I thought wtf, then I remembered reading recommendations to load "Optimal Defaults" in this board's BIOS. Tricky, but that's probably something you just have to do to make it work OK. Just remember to flash it.


Senior member
Jun 18, 2001

<< After flashing the BIOS as bpt8056 said - which is very important! - you should do as I told you before: Load Optimized Defaults. That will solve your problem, and enable you to access Hardware Monitor Setup. It worked for me.

It is a fantastic board btw, haven't had a single problem.

Thanks Junkbond, I was just wondering because I'm highly interested in the KT266 chip, but I read that the motherboard and the chip was suppose to recieve a new revision early next month so I've been waiting. Do you think I should wait for the revison, what other companies plan to make a KT266 motherboard? Thanks. Hmm...sorry about your CPU, I don't know wy it would have done that. Like Junkbond said, make sure and get the latest bios, and try loading the defaults again.


Junior Member
Jun 19, 2001

It might be a good idea to wait for the new revision. I couldn't wait, but I got a stable board with the resistor at R126, many people don't seem to have been as lucky.


Senior member
Jun 18, 2001

<< Coligeon:

It might be a good idea to wait for the new revision. I couldn't wait, but I got a stable board with the resistor at R126, many people don't seem to have been as lucky.

Thanks again, yeah, I'm hoping it will get a performace boost of some kind...I wonder how you got the resitor correctly placed, some people have gone to soldering, oh well, Lucky you, BTW, have you heard any announcments from other companies producing KT266 motherboards besides Msi, Gigabyte and Soltek because the Msi motherboard is the best priced and looks like the best one, wondering if Abit or Asus will step in?