MS Access help needed, please read inside


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm having a total brain fart and need help. Here's what I have and what I'm trying to do. Say I have 2 tables with the following:
Parts Table has following fields:
Part number - primary key
Used on 1 - a combo box pull down based on Product 1
Used on 2 - a combo box pull down based on Product 2

Customer Table has the following fields:
Name - primary key
Product 1
Product 2

Now, there are many different part numbers, and each part number can be used on Product 1 and/or Product 2. What I want to do is print a list by Part number, showing what product(s) that part number is used on. I did a query and report, but when the report prints it does it by part number like i want but instead of showing the name of the product that was entered under the Product 1(or 2) or Used on 1(or 2) fields in displays the info that was in the Name field of the Customer Table. How in the name of sweet jesus do i get the damn product NAME, not the company name, to show up??? Any help/ideas mucho appreciated.


Senior member
Feb 23, 2001
Can you describe your actual tables? The examples you gave are not normalized.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
please see my other post on Union Querys. i think if i could get this damn Union Query thing to work i'd be all set. thnx,


Senior member
Feb 23, 2001
It's not going to work because that's not what the union query operator does. The union query produces a table containing the rows of two select statements.
AFAIK, there is no way to put multiple fields of one table into one field of a query, and I can't imagine why anybody would want to do that.

You are not giving enough information for anybody to help you. I don't even see where you can get the product name, which is what you want, since you didn't post the product table. Well, I'll let somebody with better guessing abilities to help you...


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
OK, i realize what i was trying to do did not make sense, so i will try to explain and see if anyone has any ideas. ie: say i have a table that lists customers, their addys and the products they make. say each customer can have up to 5 products they make, five different fields. Then I have another table, Parts. This is where part numbers and the product that part is used on is stored. I wanted to make a form for the data entry of the part numbers and the product it is used on. The user would manually type in the part # and then from a set of drop down boxes would select the different products that part is used on. I wanted the query to create a table of the product names because if/when i had the combo boxes linked to the product names in the Customers table, the report would not print out right. I want to print out a list of the part #'s and the products they are used on. But i was getting the part #'s and the customer NAME, the the product name on the report. Do you know how to fix this? Have a suggestion for me? thank you!