Are you really ready for Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003? Stay ahead of the curve with essential sales and technical readiness training.
Choose from a number of offerings designed to get you, your team, and your business ready for Windows Server 2003. To help prepare you, Microsoft is offering free training in a city near you. Attend before June 30, 2003 and receive a not-for-resale (NFR) copy of Windows Server 2003 and a free 32 MB USB drive! (Details below*)
* This free training is valid for Windows Server 2003 technical and sales courses completed between January 28, 2003 through June 30, 2003. Available only for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 training offered by the Microsoft U.S. Partner Readiness Team.
Windows Server 2003 is the foundation of the next generation of Microsoft releases, such as Office System and Exchange 2003. Build on your learning today to meet customer demand tomorrow. Don't miss out! Please forward this message to the appropriate people in your organization.
A series of Technical and Sales web seminars covering Windows Server 2003 are available on an ongoing basis through the Partner Readiness web site. Register NOW and attend for Free!
Free Windows Server 2003 eLearning Courses
Take advantage of free Windows Server 2003 eLearning courses, including this new course: Updating Your Skills from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to the Windows Server 2003 Family.
If you qualified for the MS XP promo, you'll probably qualify for this too - and the MS rep I spoke to said the online Tech/Sales webcasts & courses also qualify for the same deal.
If the events in your area are full you might try those.