Here's the results:
Tested when connected to both USB2 port / USB1.1 port
Pen drive-128mb PNY USB2 Attache
Random access time 1ms / 4ms
CPU 8% / 0%
Avg read 4.8MB/sec / 0.8MB/sec
Time to copy 52 files, 73mb total= 41seconds / 2minute and 38 seconds
Radio Shack MyMusic MP3 player aka Sigma Tel MSCN 0100
Listed as USB 2.0 but who knows
Random access time 6ms / 4ms
CPU 0% / 2%
Avg read 0.9MB/sec / 0.9MB/sec
Time to copy 52 files, 73mb total=1minute and 27seconds / 1minute and 20 seconds
Actual time to copy files to pen drives about 2 times faster with pen versus mp3.
Conclusion- PNY pen drive hates USB 1.1 port, MP3 player actually works better on 1.1.
My guess is MyMusic corp lied about USB 2.0 (they specifically mention higher speed, not just compatibility).
Side note- the PNY pen was relative high end when purchased. The MP3 player playsWMA, records voice, need no drivers or cables, has a display and cost $30 AR. It works well so all things being considered, I?m not complaining about the speed difference.