MP3 player - jukebox or CD type?


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
I want some sort of device on which to store my mp3z for this holiday season. I was leaning towards getting a SlimX, but then I was thinking how convient it would be to have a device that could hold 20 gigs of music..I only have about 9 gigs now, and Ive been collecting for a while (about 4 years), so I think 20 gigs would be plenty for me. It would also be nice not to have to swap discs like what would have to be done with a mp3 cd player like the SlimX. But I dont want the device to be too bulky (it can be slightly bigger than the SlimX, but not much); cost less than $300, and I also would like to be able to run with it (not sure how often I would do this, but I'd like to have the capability). Any recommendations?

I also dont have an mp3 cd player in my car, and probably won't be getting one anytime soon; when I start doing more driving I will probably spring for XM :)


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
mostly sitting down, either in the car on long trips or on an airplane..I would like to be able to run with it though.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
hmm that Nomad Zen looks interesting..I think between it and the SlimX..anybody have any other opinions?


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
running with a something the size of a cd player even no matter how thin its going to be isn't going to be great. Your going to have to store it somewhere. You have big running shorts?

Same with either the Nomad zen and then it has a weight even though that its light will pull down on a pocket.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
there are a ton of good canidates for both options so I wouldn't JUST look at 2...

I'm in a similar situation but I've had an MP3 CD player for over a year now and I think that I want/would rather have a Jukebox. I think I may ask for one for xmas. It'll just be easier to avoid the hassle of burning, creating folders all the time, not reading a scrathed CD etc.....

I'll say go for jukebox - bigger, can play playlists, usually have their own rechargeable battery, plenty of GOOD options