motorcycle service schedule


Jul 26, 2001
How often do you change the oil in your bike? -- the reason i ask this is becuase I've got about 2000 miles on my bike right now (got it last august) -

i did the 500 mile service per the manual, and the next service isn't scheduled until 3000 miles. However at this rate i wont hit 3k until this winter or next spring.

So I called up the shop to have them change the oil and basic stuff - and they said i wont need it until 3k.... I thought it would be one of those things, 3k or 3 months, like with cars.... but not according to this guy.

SO anyways, i feel really weird about keeping the same oil in the bike for over a year and will either do it myself or make them do it.. but i'd like to get an idea of what other people do.

The manual says every 3k, and the bike is a Ninja250


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
It depends on what type of oil it is. If it's an older Ninja and they recommend using non-syn oil, you probably should change twice per riding season even if you aren't putting that many miles on it. Regular oil breaks down over time making the calander interval between changes almost as important as the mileage.

Puls, oil is cheap, it doesn't take much, and the change is easy to do so why risk anything other than that? If it takes synthetic, you could get away with changing it on a mileage basis or just at the beginning of your riding season.

That's what I'd do. :cookie: