Motorcycle guys...


Jul 29, 2001
Has anyone heard anything about Benelli motorcycles? I was at the Vancouver motorcycle show yesterday (didn't take nearly as many pics as I thought I was going to), and they had one of those there. It looked pretty sweet, and the fans/radiator under the seat definitely look cool.

I was disappointed with the ducati showing at the show. They didn't have any of the 998/748 style bikes, which are the ones I really wanted pictures of, and they only had 1 999 there, and there was a huge crowd around it. I liked the 800 myself, and then monster 620 looks pretty cool too.

Also, Triumph has come out with a pretty hot looking Daytona 600. I thought that was pretty cool.

The new R1 looks even hotter than before (if that's possible).

The 'busa got some new colour schemes, but that's about it I think.

If anyone knows of any good info/reviews on those Benelli bikes, esp. prices, that'd be great.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
I can tell you Fausto1 would perform oral sex on you for one of these. ;)

Sweet bikes, but no track record, so to speak. I expect they will compete mainly with Ducks.
Oct 9, 1999
benelli's like all italian beauties need a lot of maintanence.. definately nota bike for a new rider.. its for more advanced riders .. only because a new rider will drop it.. and this is a bike that is all about staying up.

The place where i hang out in So.Cal there are a few guys who show up in Benelli's from the past.. sweet bikes...

Pic of one of the guys ... damn he is talkative.. :)