Motherboard problem


Feb 10, 2005
Board Model: Soltek's SL-75MRN-L
Problem: HSF isn't running but CPU fan is. Also NICs are currently not working.

Diagnosis: Computer turns on and works efficiently to the point where I can Word Process and surf. But I'm afraid of burning the board. HSF isnt working. It's plugged in and everything. I've checked to see if the fan could turn around, it does because I've aired my computer for dust.

Problem 2: I've installed 2 NICs in the computer and before my cable went down. It was working just fine. Now it just blinks. Basically telling me its turning off and on because in Windows' Explorer, the LAN devices icon was telling me it was disconnected and then connected again then disconnected (it was repetitive). Why I used 2 was because I'm setting the computer up as the remote. One for router and one for cable modem. (Yes i know i can get a cable modem/router but I'm a bit cheap)
Also, When i did enable the NICs, it told me there were "Limited or No Connectivity".
... sorry those words shall burn in my memories forever... its almost as bad as a BSOD.
(actually, I thnk i'd rather prefer a BSOD over that!!! :6)

Solution: ???

can anyone help?


Golden Member
Nov 1, 2000
Have you plugged the fan into a different socket to see if the power socket is bad? Have you tried replacing the fan with another known good one. Fans are cheap.

Are both NICs dead? Try setting them both to aquire IP address (disable ICS) and try them both.

Keep in mind that whenever you connect a cable modem to a different NIC you MUST power cycle the modem (power down and power up). The modem locks itself to the address of the first device it's connected to.

Are you sure you're cables are good? Are they home made or store bought? It's easy to make a bad cable. Better to use store bought.

And yes, what are you nuts? A router on sale is $30 and a LOT less aggravation.


Jan 4, 2001
Problem: HSF isn't running but CPU fan is. Also NICs are currently not working
HSF = HeatSink Fan not running? That would be the CPU fan....which is running...huh?


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Awesome nF2 IGP board, I loved mine :) if you are saying the northbridge cooler went belly up then no big deal unless you actually use the IGP for gaming. You can buy a Vantec Iceberg chipset kit to replace it and add a passive to the southbridge if you desire here it is

I don't know how you configed the LAN but Penguin is right, and you should definitely just pony up a $15-$20 for at least a used 802.11b router, the NAT is nice to have too.


Feb 10, 2005
yea.. will try.. thanks
making this so confusing on you guys..

the NB cooler was the prob..
ill look at it..

for the NIC prob.. I'mma just format my comp. Reinstall all that good stuff

thanks guys!