Originally posted by: beray
The greater number of phases is the direct indicator of the greater amount of power available. All else equal, 8-phase had 1/2 the power of 16-phase.
Okay, maybe "all else equal" this is a true statement, but in the real world any sane person designing a 2N-phase supply will be using components each rated at half of those that would be used in an N-phase supply satisfying the same specifications.
When you designing a power supply, the important figures of merit include output power, output ripple, line regulation, load regulation, efficiency, cost, size, step response, device stress, et cetera. Using a multi-phase converter allows you to reduce output ripple without increasing the output capacitor (more cost, slower step response) or the switching frequency (lower efficiency, higher device stress, i.e., more cost).
With a single phase buck converter (for example), you have a pair of switching devices (transistor and diode or two transistors), an output inductor, and an output cap (you have many other components as well; I'm talking about the most fundamental components in the circuit, so we will ignore input filters, gate drivers, et cetera). For a given output current, the voltage on the output cap will droop by a given amount each cycle. We can calculate this as follows:
Qload = C * Vdroop
Iload = Qload / T = Qload * Fsw
Thus, Vdroop = Qload / C = Iload / (C * Fsw)
So we can reduce the cycle-to-cycle droop (i.e., ripple) by increasing Fsw or C. Now, increasing the output capacitor increases the cost of the design, and slows the transient response (important if you want to be voltage-agile to save power at low load but still respond quickly to step increases in demand). Increasing the switching frequency increases the switching and gating losses, resulting in lower efficiency and more power dissipated on your switching devices, driving up the heat production and requiring bigger devices, heat sinking, or the like.
What if instead of having a single switcher we had two running at the same frequency but half a cycle apart? Now while one is dumping charge to the output, the other one is grabbing more from the input, and vice-versa. Of course, now we have to use two pairs of switching devices as well as two inductors, but the output capacitor is shared. Now Vdroop is reduced because the output capacitor is charged twice each cycle of Fsw. Moreover, since we now have two switchers operating in parallel, we can reduce the size of the devices, since each one only has to provide half the power. Now we've reduced the output ripple and device stress while keeping the output cap the same and potentially improving the transient response. Of course, the premium we invariably pay is in board area, but perhaps that's a trade-off we're willing to make.
Now we can generalize this to more phases: an 8-phase supply has 8 switchers running 45 degrees out of phase from one another, meaning we get 8 pulses per switching cycle, and each device handles 1/8 of the total output power.
At the end of the day, it absolutely does not matter how MANY phases you use. What matters is whether you've satisfied your figures of merit, i.e., ripple, regulation, et cetera. There are a huge number of possible designs that will all satisfy the ATX power supply requirements, and certain manufacturers will make particular tradeoffs in light of other decisions they've made (e.g., they prefer to buy components from company X, and they get a better deal on the smaller devices, so they go with a 16-phase supply instead of an 8-phase supply). It's possible to build a 16-phase supply that absolutely sucks, and it's possible to build a 4-phase supply that is incredibly solid and has great performance.
Worrying about how many phases a power converter utilizes is like worrying about what brand of fuel pump your car has. Worry about the CAR's performance, don't fret about Goodwrench versus MOPAR.