Motherboard and ram compatibility issues?


Junior Member
Aug 7, 2006
Hey I've been running around trying to find a forum that can answer my question. So right now I have an ASUS M2N32-SLI deluxe motherboard and I'm looking for ram. A lot of people I asked said that the G.skill ram (linked below) is some of the best DDR2 ram out there (preformance and pricewise). I looked and some other G.Skill ram had compatibility issues with AM2 and I'm hoping I can clear it up before hand so I don't have to end up sending it to somewhere to get everything updated.

thanks in advance.


Platinum Member
May 14, 2006
you should probably have posted this in the motherboard or general hardware forum. There are many knowledgable people that can help you with you question there. Not that the people that frequent the perephirels forum aren't knowlegable, but try to put your topic in it's rightful place.
To answer your question, there have been many problems with ddr800 RAM and am2 MoBos. Gskill is no exception. There is a way to get around it though... you can use other RAM to boot up, then update the bios to the newest version, and it should run seamlessly. I think corsiar and kingston RAM are some of the only RAM that will work on the first try.

EDIT: Welcome to the forums!:D