Mortal Online MMORPG


Feb 22, 2007
Some of the concepts are interesting and their site is up with teaser.
If they can pull it off it may be what the pvp crowd has been looking for.

I do like the legendary monster bit.
Sounds like they have looked at current mmorpg quite a bit and looking to innovate rather than copy. Not sure about the real time combat, melee in first person never seems to work just right.

Is your goal to face a legendary monster? Well, that is usually suicide ? if you can find one. But if your guild would actually manage to kill one, it?s dead. Gone. Rare monsters and quests do not resurrect or come again, whether it?s an ancient beast, a crumbling temple, an island rising out of the sea or a great ritual that fails or succeeds. You might get away with an item never seen before, or the unique scar that tells about the experience. There are not many of these opportunities but they are usually important enough to affect the whole world and its history. All you have to do is be at the right place at the right time.

We want you and your character to be one. Your skills as a player combined with the skills of your character will determine the outcome of any PvP or PvE fight. In the first person perspective of Mortal Online you virtually perform every action your character does ? there is no such thing as automatic combat or your character doing the job for you. Aim and strike anywhere you want, and experience your characters combat skill increase as well as your own.

In Mortal Online we want you to be free. We create a world for you with a minimum of rules but with endless possibilities, meaning you decide the path and goals of your progress, and where your actions are reflected back upon the world. As you decide the fate of your characters during their lifetime, responsibilities and consequences arise with many different options to choose from:

Do you want to walk the dangerous path of thieves and assassins? Or would you choose the path of the honorable, using law and strength to prevent the murderers from ruling the world?

Choose to be a lone wolf or hermit by finding a secluded place to build your house for storage or studies. Or form a guild with others that desire a keep and eventually a fortress.

Steal from or slay whoever you want and loot their items, but prepare for the aftermath and watch out for the long arm of the law.

Devote your life to a crafting profession and become famous for your reliable quality goods. Discover new formulas and recipes and explore the lands to find unique tools and resources.

Choose to believe in one of the Gods and watch its power grow. Fight heretics and burn their temples to rob their Gods of power. Or start a new cult: with enough believers your God might be powerful enough to enter the Pantheon.

Explore the world to discover new places and name them. Venture into ancient caves and temples to find the buried history of the world, including its forgotten knowledge, spells and items. New resources are to be found everywhere in flora, fauna and minerals.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2003
Some very interesting ideas. Some remind me a bit of Eve-Online such as the unique items from unique monsters that one one person has and if they lose them, they are gone. Also the combat system where you can attack anyone at any time but you will pay for it. The Deva idea is pretty neat too.

"Q: Can I have more than one character on my account??
A: Yes. By creating an account you create your own Deva, or ?shared soul?, in the game. Your Deva can have several characters connected to it. The Deva grows in power as each of your characters do and can even learn skills that all your characters will benefit from. Read more about skills and the Deva further down."

"To lessen the tedious work of training a character from scratch, if you for example want to alternate your play time between a mage and a blacksmith, we have a group of skills called World Skills. The World Skills are connected to your Deva and will improve no matter what type of characters you are playing. This way if one of your characters for example explore the map or learn about history, so does all of the other characters connected to your Deva. " Another idea from Eve it looks like, no leveling, just skills.


Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
I just read their faq and browsed the site... I want to have sex with this game. Full on, rough, no nonsense, concussion inducing sex.


Aug 23, 2007
The Deva thing is stupid and harms immersiveness. Each character in an mmoRPG should be separate.


Jan 23, 2001
Overly ambitious.

Edit: Which doesn't mean it can't be done, but it means 99.99% of the developers who would attempt this will fail. For this to actually happen, the developer would have to have blizzard's bankroll post wow to spend on their insane development cycle.


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2004
looks amazing on many let downs in the past few gonna wait til demo is beta rumors?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
I envision....

A lot of people standing around waiting for something to happen. When nothing happens based on their varying attention spans, they log off. Over time there will be fewer and fewer people standing around waiting for something to happen and game dies. :(

The End.

Oh and forgot to mention, expect epic loot drama never seen before in any MMO.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: chizow
I envision....

A lot of people standing around waiting for something to happen. When nothing happens based on their varying attention spans, they log off. Over time there will be fewer and fewer people standing around waiting for something to happen and game dies. :(

The End.

Oh and forgot to mention, expect epic loot drama never seen before in any MMO.

Haha... I can "hear" it now...

- Hey... you waiting for Dragmalootzors to spawn?
- Yup, have you see it yet?
- No... I've been camping here ever since I read on the forums it was going to be put in .
- Damn... that means I'll have to pwn you to get it first.
- Hahah! Yeah right! Hey, you know there's a OmgWtfLewtz that no body has been able to kill yet about a mile down the road. I'm too wimpy for it.
- Really? Oooh, shiny!!!! (runs off)

Three days later he's still camping there.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: chizow
I envision....

A lot of people standing around waiting for something to happen. When nothing happens based on their varying attention spans, they log off. Over time there will be fewer and fewer people standing around waiting for something to happen and game dies. :(

The End.

Oh and forgot to mention, expect epic loot drama never seen before in any MMO.

Haha... I can "hear" it now...

- Hey... you waiting for Dragmalootzors to spawn?
- Yup, have you see it yet?
- No... I've been camping here ever since I read on the forums it was going to be put in .
- Damn... that means I'll have to pwn you to get it first.
- Hahah! Yeah right! Hey, you know there's a OmgWtfLewtz that no body has been able to kill yet about a mile down the road. I'm too wimpy for it.
- Really? Oooh, shiny!!!! (runs off)

Three days later he's still camping there.

Hahah ya I can see it now, people walking around wearing T-shirts:

I camped and fought Dragmalootzors and all I got was this stupid SCAR!1one!!eleven!!
arrow pointing up to decapitated head

Nice ideas but ya far too ambitious imo. Would be nice to see some of this implemented into existing static spawn/instanced games, but from what I've seen random world pops lead to some extremely competitive gaming tendencies. Random pops that are truly unique will only make this aspect of MMOs much worst......


Feb 22, 2007
Its actually a lot more like UO than EVE.
Always enjoyed in UO, if someone really got on your nerves, pay someone else to take them out.



Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: chizow
Hahah ya I can see it now, people walking around wearing T-shirts:

I camped and fought Dragmalootzors and all I got was this stupid SCAR!1one!!eleven!!
arrow pointing up to decapitated head

Nice ideas but ya far too ambitious imo. Would be nice to see some of this implemented into existing static spawn/instanced games, but from what I've seen random world pops lead to some extremely competitive gaming tendencies. Random pops that are truly unique will only make this aspect of MMOs much worst......

Actually, I like the idea of Truly Random, Truly Unique. The hard part is the "Truly Random" part, as that means the devs wouldn't be able to have a test server that anyone that actually plays could be on, and they couldn't announce updates and stuff. I like the idea of "dumb luck" in finding items and things like that moreso than things like WOW's and EVE's misguided "Make the Rich Richer and Make the Strong Stronger" type of dealings.

If it meant a fresh day 1 noobie had exactly the same shot at running into, defeating and/or acquiring the same quality and power of gear that a 2 year vet had, I'd be all for it. Obviously the noobie won't be as proficient at using gear, but still. Anyone can pick up a sword, it's all a matter of how best to poke at your opponent that comes with experience.


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2003
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: chizow
Hahah ya I can see it now, people walking around wearing T-shirts:

I camped and fought Dragmalootzors and all I got was this stupid SCAR!1one!!eleven!!
arrow pointing up to decapitated head

Nice ideas but ya far too ambitious imo. Would be nice to see some of this implemented into existing static spawn/instanced games, but from what I've seen random world pops lead to some extremely competitive gaming tendencies. Random pops that are truly unique will only make this aspect of MMOs much worst......

Actually, I like the idea of Truly Random, Truly Unique. The hard part is the "Truly Random" part, as that means the devs wouldn't be able to have a test server that anyone that actually plays could be on, and they couldn't announce updates and stuff. I like the idea of "dumb luck" in finding items and things like that moreso than things like WOW's and EVE's misguided "Make the Rich Richer and Make the Strong Stronger" type of dealings.

If it meant a fresh day 1 noobie had exactly the same shot at running into, defeating and/or acquiring the same quality and power of gear that a 2 year vet had, I'd be all for it. Obviously the noobie won't be as proficient at using gear, but still. Anyone can pick up a sword, it's all a matter of how best to poke at your opponent that comes with experience.

Well Eve kind of does that. Enemies spawn all the time, but every once in a while a very rare one will spawn. I'm guessing with this game they would probably have a sequence of events that would need to occur before the Uber Rare beast would come about. I.E. rare spawn of note that leads to cave with chance of key spawning that you need a special skill to use on a secret door, blah blah blah. It might take weeks to actually get to the unique monster and the help of a group of people.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
"Steal from or slay whoever you want and loot their items, but prepare for the aftermath and watch out for the long arm of the law."

Yep, gank and loot fest right there. I cant see any penalty system strong enough to stop people from trying this all the time. Sounds like a FFA system.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
The question on my mind is how is this game going to deal with grinding and will it require your life/blue balls from lack of a GF to really start having fun.

That aside it sounds a lot like dark fall but with lower expectations, lets just hope they don't promise more then they can deliver and cut their own legs out from under them.


Golden Member
Mar 27, 2008
Originally posted by: SirStev0
/looks suspiciously

I've been promised a lot before.

Yeah from almost every new MMO and none of 'em live up to their stated expectations.


Golden Member
Dec 31, 2004
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: chizow
Hahah ya I can see it now, people walking around wearing T-shirts:

I camped and fought Dragmalootzors and all I got was this stupid SCAR!1one!!eleven!!
arrow pointing up to decapitated head

Nice ideas but ya far too ambitious imo. Would be nice to see some of this implemented into existing static spawn/instanced games, but from what I've seen random world pops lead to some extremely competitive gaming tendencies. Random pops that are truly unique will only make this aspect of MMOs much worst......

Actually, I like the idea of Truly Random, Truly Unique. The hard part is the "Truly Random" part, as that means the devs wouldn't be able to have a test server that anyone that actually plays could be on, and they couldn't announce updates and stuff. I like the idea of "dumb luck" in finding items and things like that moreso than things like WOW's and EVE's misguided "Make the Rich Richer and Make the Strong Stronger" type of dealings.

If it meant a fresh day 1 noobie had exactly the same shot at running into, defeating and/or acquiring the same quality and power of gear that a 2 year vet had, I'd be all for it. Obviously the noobie won't be as proficient at using gear, but still. Anyone can pick up a sword, it's all a matter of how best to poke at your opponent that comes with experience.

I don't think you quite understand EVE sunnyD. Because what you are 'all up for' is exactly how EVE works. Factions and officer spawns have a chance of spawning ANYWHERE in EVE. The chances greatly improve in NPC faction home systems like the 'Heaven' constellation for the Angel NPC faction. Security level of a system also increased the chance of an officer spawn. There are no unique items in EVE unless given away at an event. Faction and officer spawns are ramdom, daily-hourly occurences in belts.

EVE has territory control which ups the ante to actually farm these areas but that doesn't mean it is not possible. Nothing moreso than some guild in this Mortal game from controlling swaths of NPC rich land.

I wish more people actually understood what they talked about before speaking on a subject.