It's interesting the kinda of hate the Chechens have made for themselves from AT users after the Moscow episode. pesonally, I've always hated them and their goons around the world.
I'm just surprised I don't see the same hate when it comes to Islamic terrorists against India. I.E. Temple massacre, daily killings in Kashmir, parliament house attack, etc. etc.
We shouldn't help the Russians against the Chechens in an attempt to win support for an attack on Iraq. We should help them because it's the right thing to do, period. We need to get away from this give a little take a little mindset and just try to be good world citizens. It is this very mindset that has created the likes of the Taliban and Sadaam. If we just try to do the right thing, without worrying about oil, geting support to attack another country, or setting up a strategically located military base somewhere, I'm sure we will get a lot more respect from countries, and they will openly support us in the future then, we won't have as nearly a hard time to "win" them over if we wish to attack Iraq or another country then.
just my .02