More Realism In Gaming


Golden Member
Nov 16, 2012
how many of you would like more realism portray into video games and less kid play?

example of kid play pathetic-ness.

shooter game - bf3.
(1) a pistol can continue to accurately hit a target 100+ yards away.
(2) a sniper bullet has to hit center mass twice to kill.
(3) no way to snipe the pilot in a helo when in clear view with clear shot.

racing game - dirt.
(1) hit a tree or the wall hard. vehicle totaled. restart the track.
(2) gas guage. eventually run out of gas. must pit to refuel.
(3) tire guage. have the tire wear and eventually blow out if not pitting enough.

there is more, but this get the point across.

not saying that this should be the only way the game should be. just saying that there should be an available option for this type of realism gameplay.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
1. Play ArmA
2. Play Gran Turismo

There are arcade-y games like BF3 and Dirt, and sim games like ArmA and Gran Turismo. Something out there for everyone.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
I have more fun playing Serious Sam than I do BF3 or its ilk.


Golden Member
Jun 30, 2011
I want both. I enjoy both. I play both.

Well said.

There are developers making both.

I personally enjoy games that strike a good balance between the two.

Realism can reach a point where it isn't fun me. There's even mods for ArmA that make you load individual cartridges into your mags (and make you unload partial mags the same way if you want the ammo).

I can see some people really getting into a game that deep, but I'm not one of them. I'm glad they exist for those that are, though.

Red Hawk

Diamond Member
Jan 1, 2011
Realistic shooters would be no fun. "Realism" means that if your character took a bullet to the gut he/she would spend the next several days or weeks in a hospital recovering.


Jun 8, 2005
First, they need to solve the problem of shooting with your eyes rather than your hands. Then, they need to let you have 180 degree peripheral vision.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2003
Depends on the type of game.

I don't enjoy arcade-y racing games very much anymore, because I've spent so much time with and gotten proficient at more sim-like games.

Same with modern military shooters. If you play, understand, and succeed in ArmA, playing bilge like CoD is wholly unsatisfying. I've done and experienced better, why would I want to go back? Getting shot 7 times, having my screen turn grey while I crouch behind cover and wait 5 seconds for my bullet wounds to heal, no longer is appealing.

Same with most strategy games. The enjoyment of mindless RTS games with little real world strategy or tactics is diminished by playing and understanding Paradox games and StrategyFirst titles, to name only a couple.

I equate it to books; Do I really want to go back to R.L. Stine after reading Lovecraft? No, no not really.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
I like games that are absolutely FAKE. The only kind of "realistic" games that I'm into are racing sims. Even then, I give them a lot of slack.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2010
Realism doesn't always equate to fun. And unrealistic games like TF2 are nevertheless enjoyable despite lack of realism. Game designers know what sells is fun, not realism. Hell even America's Army isn't entirely realistic.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009


Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
We absolutely need both. Arma provides a lot of realism once its nodded appropriate (ace, acre and a few others). One of the interesting consequences of this realism is that real military tactics start to be become necessary and very effective. The impact from having realistic voice systems is that large teams can talk easier. 40 people in a ts channel can not communicate battle details because command and control is consuming most of the time. But make game voice local and use separate radio men within small teams and the battle comms is intense.

With racing the realism allows you to translate real driving experience. Getting a good feel for when a car is going to oversteer via the wheel rumble while not quite real neither less allows your brain to predict the physics better. In many ways the realistic racers are easier to drive because the cars handle more consistently.

So I am of the opinion that many of the realism aspects aid gameplay, an occulus rift + 9D gun is going to separate head, body and arms in FPS play which will increase immersion but most importantly be a lot more natural.
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Apr 8, 2002
People always want realism until realism makes the game impossible to play. FPS are my favorite. I want realism. Ok lets apply real ballistics to the round and make hip firing act like real hip firing. Result? This game is unrealistic\stupid because I cant hit anything from more than 10 feet away!


Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2007
People always want realism until realism makes the game impossible to play. FPS are my favorite. I want realism. Ok lets apply real ballistics to the round and make hip firing act like real hip firing. Result? This game is unrealistic\stupid because I cant hit anything from more than 10 feet away!

People have gotten used to head body and gun all being combined into a single pointer and clicking at that pointer. It was fine 15 years ago but today we really ought to have the head, body direction and arms separately modelled with appropriate interfaces to go with it. That way hipfiring isn't really the issue, your accuracy is going to be determined by where you actually point the gun, you don't need to artificially decrease its accuracy to simulate the effect of hip firing. That is no more or less realistic, its just a game mechanic that tries be so without taking any treatment to the nature of how aiming with a weapon works.

Realistic bullet ballistics are actually a lot of fun, in Arma with ACE mod you get wind deflection, bullet drop, ballistic tables and pretty reasonable simulated scopes that give you a very good sim where you really do have to learn how to shoot well. Of course the slow random movement and breathing simulation isn't the best, again its just randomness added to decrease the razor sharp accuracy you would otherwise had but the rest of the simulation elements improves the gameplay immensely and reduce the power of sniper rifles to what they are good only, it balances them completely. The idea of quick scoping and other ridiculous things is just not possible, if you are good you can set up a near maximum range shot in 10 seconds but not much faster.

Most modern FPS' are broken by their gamy things from the 90's. Its time they moved on and built appropriate simulations, because strangely 1 bullet kills, realistic bullet behaviour and having to take cover and try not to get shot is far more rewarding gameplay. You just aren't going to kill 3000 guys in 5 hours like with the typical COD single player.


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
how many of you would like more realism portray into video games and less kid play?

example of kid play pathetic-ness.

shooter game - bf3.
(1) a pistol can continue to accurately hit a target 100+ yards away.
(2) a sniper bullet has to hit center mass twice to kill.
(3) no way to snipe the pilot in a helo when in clear view with clear shot.

racing game - dirt.
(1) hit a tree or the wall hard. vehicle totaled. restart the track.
(2) gas guage. eventually run out of gas. must pit to refuel.
(3) tire guage. have the tire wear and eventually blow out if not pitting enough.

there is more, but this get the point across.

not saying that this should be the only way the game should be. just saying that there should be an available option for this type of realism gameplay.


(1) Agree it is silly.
(2) Play hardcore, one shot to the chest or head = insta-death
(3) ??? I have sniped and been sniped from helos many many times.

I get your point but as others have said realism and fun do not often go hand in hand.


Platinum Member
Feb 4, 2012
All common shooters seem to be gravitating to the Lowest Common Denominator audience. The battlefield series used to be fun and an escape for me, some where to go in with buddies and blow the shit out of eachother.

Since BF3 it's turned into a grindfest for stupid awards/guns and seems more and more desperate to turn into a super Michael Bay experience. Arma is alright but I don't think anything in that series will ever measure up to OpFlash...bring back crushed models!!!! That was cool to walk up to a crashed helicopter and be able to figure out what happened.

Realism in game is somewhat of a niche market, and for that we have simulators. The average joe just wants to hop in a game for 15minutes and "rape the shit out of people dog".

I'm just begging for a return to WWII games so we can get away from this stupid ass attachment BS.