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Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
A Black Restaurant Owner Says He Tried Assisting a White Patron in Distress. Cops Arrested Him.

Bonus points: The restaurant owner is also a physician. :eek:

Mr. Pemberton said he explained that he was the owner of the restaurant and a physician, but that officers never asked him what had happened, and that their supervisor had been hostile, according to the lawsuit.

You really, really can't make this stuff up. :(


Oct 15, 1999
What is there to say about it? It's a horrible story that's played out again and again across the country every single day. I'm starting to wonder if the problem can be corrected. Where do we find better cops?


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
He's may be a physician but according to the article he is a West Indian (Trinidadian) Physician here on a green card.

This may open up a shitstorm.


Oct 6, 2009
What is there to say about it? It's a horrible story that's played out again and again across the country every single day. I'm starting to wonder if the problem can be corrected. Where do we find better cops?
The solution can't possibly be as simple as actually holding police accountable for their actions.
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Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
What is there to say about it? It's a horrible story that's played out again and again across the country every single day. I'm starting to wonder if the problem can be corrected. Where do we find better cops?

What you just described is the very definition of systemic racism.

How can the problem be corrected? By first admitting it exists. Which so many of you on this message board have tried to deny.
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child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
Assuming it took several minutes for police to arrive and, when they did, the men arrested were sitting or standing somewhere away from the women, what reason would the officers have for believing the women's story that they were preventing them from leaving?

Obviously, if you believe that all cops are KKK members with badges then your immediate response is "RACISM!" but is it at all possible that the Dr. could have prevented them from leaving? He may have felt he was doing the right thing by telling them he should take a look, do this or do that, all for completely legitimate reasons as he felt he was helping because he's a Dr., but it means he did, in fact, prevent them from leaving. Cops had no choice but to bring him in and once someone heard the case they rightly let them go.

If that was how the scenario played out I think it would have happened no differently if the men had white skin, except, perhaps, the women not making a big deal about three white men preventing them from leaving vs. three black men which would be a case of personal racism NOT systematic racism.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
What is there to say about it? It's a horrible story that's played out again and again across the country every single day. I'm starting to wonder if the problem can be corrected. Where do we find better cops?

Shouldn't you be yelling at athletes peacefully kneeling at a football game? What to do about it...what to do indeed.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Just so I'm clear

Thursday Night in NYC at 10PM so place is probably busy.

...was holding a business meeting at his restaurant when he saw two women leaving the bathroom, dragging a third woman who was visibly unconscious across the room at 10:30 p.m., the complaint states. The women, who were all white, knocked over a stanchion of a rope blocking off a section of the restaurant to customers.

Business owner witnesses 2 women dragging an unconscious woman in his place of business.
Verbally intervenes because thats what you do when you see 2 people dragging an unconscious person through your place of business.

When Dr. Pemberton, now 68, walked over to the women to ask what was wrong and suggested the unconscious woman be placed in a chair, one woman punched him in the chest and referred to him with a racial slur, according to the complaint.

A second woman struck Dr. Pemberton’s employee, Christian Baptiste, in the head with her purse, according to the lawsuit. Employees called 911 as the women continued to yell, push and kick employees, the lawsuit states.

Owner and employee are assaulted by 2 people.

Allegedly, after being assaulted, employees detained the assailant.

But, shortly after the arrival of the police officers, who were all white, including some from the 28th precinct, a police supervisor spoke with only one of the women before ordering his officers to arrest Dr. Pemberton, Mr. Baptiste, 42, and another employee, Thomas Debnam.


Senior member
Aug 10, 2018
What is there to say about it? It's a horrible story that's played out again and again across the country every single day. I'm starting to wonder if the problem can be corrected. Where do we find better cops?

Well, considering that they have nothing what so ever to fear that isn't easy since even the best people can fail when there are absolutely no repercussions of their actions.

Completely separate system to investigate and charge police officers along with personal responsibility when it comes to paying damages awarded in lawsuits would make them shape up real fucking fast though.


Jun 23, 2004
Bonus points: The restaurant owner is also a physician. :eek:

You really, really can't make this stuff up. :(

Well, that detail you might have?

Dr. Pemberton, a retired psychiatrist
Also, this is a classic example of why the bystander effect exists. Nothing but trouble awaits, and the consequences of trying to help another person can be quite severe. Particularly from the authorities or our legal system.

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
From the article: "Dr. Pemberton also said that since the arrest, the police have conducted random checks of his establishment, and have increased their presence there, costing him business."

That's gangster shit right there.
Nov 25, 2013
Well, that detail you might have?

Dr. Pemberton, a retired psychiatrist
Also, this is a classic example of why the bystander effect exists. Nothing but trouble awaits, and the consequences of trying to help another person can be quite severe. Particularly from the authorities or our legal system.

Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in psychiatric medicine.


Senior member
May 15, 2014
If the men were white, the conservative problem would be 'female privilege in law' and a 'culture criminalizing men'.
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Jun 4, 2004
Assuming it took several minutes for police to arrive and, when they did, the men arrested were sitting or standing somewhere away from the women, what reason would the officers have for believing the women's story that they were preventing them from leaving?

Obviously, if you believe that all cops are KKK members with badges then your immediate response is "RACISM!" but is it at all possible that the Dr. could have prevented them from leaving? He may have felt he was doing the right thing by telling them he should take a look, do this or do that, all for completely legitimate reasons as he felt he was helping because he's a Dr., but it means he did, in fact, prevent them from leaving. Cops had no choice but to bring him in and once someone heard the case they rightly let them go.

If that was how the scenario played out I think it would have happened no differently if the men had white skin, except, perhaps, the women not making a big deal about three white men preventing them from leaving vs. three black men which would be a case of personal racism NOT systematic racism.

Just so I'm clear

Thursday Night in NYC at 10PM so place is probably busy.

Business owner witnesses 2 women dragging an unconscious woman in his place of business.
Verbally intervenes because thats what you do when you see 2 people dragging an unconscious person through your place of business.

Owner and employee are assaulted by 2 people.

Allegedly, after being assaulted, employees detained the assailant.

I like these two posts. CoW posits a hypothetical where it’s all just a big misunderstanding that could be racism but really probably isnt and certainly isn’t systemic racism, unless you are one of those liberal SJWs who just assumes everyone is racist. So really it just can’t be counted as racist.

This is followed Pauldun linking the actual story complete with racial slurs, assaults on the owner and finally allegedly biased action by the cops.

Will this change CoW’s mind? Doubtful. Since racism no longer exists in the real world how could any racist action be considered racist when hypothetically it could be not racist because racism no longer exists.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
What is there to say about it? It's a horrible story that's played out again and again across the country every single day. I'm starting to wonder if the problem can be corrected. Where do we find better cops?

If white liberal cities like New York won't or can't correct the problem how can we expect more conservatives areas of the country to change?


Jun 23, 2004
If white liberal cities like New York won't or can't correct the problem how can we expect more conservatives areas of the country to change?

One might argue that NYC is more monied authoritarian than purely "liberal".
And of course, regardless of how one votes, we all contend with the terrible side of human nature.

Not truly sure how we deal with it. From the top down we tell people it is not acceptable. We hand out consequences as possible. If that is not enough, what then? What comes next in terms of "solutions"?

Thinking about it, one step we need is to eliminate the criminal element. Inner city crime in places like Chicago. Those shootings are something people notice, and fear. That criminality leads to assumptions and biases. So, perhaps, a solution would be addressing the poverty and violence in America. Which brings me full circle to my pet peeve, income inequality. If people had enough money and economic / social security, and the ability to move / escape the trappings of their neighborhoods.... the poverty, the crimes, and the prejudices might diminish over time.

If we help, and I mean truly helped the poor, there might be less reason to fear the poor and others who look like them.
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Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
If white liberal cities like New York won't or can't correct the problem how can we expect more conservatives areas of the country to change?
Just because the cities are liberal doesn't mean their police departments are as well.
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Jan 28, 2002
Well, that detail you might have?

Dr. Pemberton, a retired psychiatrist
Also, this is a classic example of why the bystander effect exists. Nothing but trouble awaits, and the consequences of trying to help another person can be quite severe. Particularly from the authorities or our legal system.

All psychiatrists are physicians.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
I've watched the transformation of many NYPD officers over the years.
Folks that could work in the cushiest precincts and rarely interact with minorities yet they will still make that transition around the 5 year mark.
It's the vibe in the force that just infects you. It rubs off.
Go to work everyday and get bombard with racists jokes or that "they are all animals" or whatever racist nonsense comes out.
Then you get out on patrol and those comments stick with you as you start dealing with people in the community.
Some guy with baggy jeans just walking down the street is instantly an "animal" who is "guilty of something". Guilt is automatically assumed prior to any interaction. Like standing behind someone on line at the store or driving or existing in a subway car.

It wouldn't even matter if the responding officers were black. Even black officers get caught up in it.
NYPD is institutionally racist.
The way to fix it is adopt the models found in other countries such as the UK.
Community policing. You live in the neighborhoods you serve. Higher ranking officers rotate to other precincts.
Emphasis should be on keeping the peace. Not quotas.
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Dec 11, 2000
Not to mention that you're required to complete the standard medical training before specializing in it, effectively internal medicine
I don't have much to add to the absurdity of the OP, however, psychiatry is far from effectively internal medicine.
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