all Iraq jabs aside(even though to me it seems like the Pentagon decided to wait a few months then point out the obvious. WOW, you mean when there's no competing for the bid that companies might just set pricing to whatever they want?! REALLY?!!?! HOLY MOLY!!! NO WAY!!! Even if it *was* subcontractors, you can bet your ass they would have actually bargained harder with their subcontractors if they didn't have control over how much they were getting paid themselves. If you can control how much you're getting paid you can just pass on the costs to whoever hired you and still cut a profit, but if you only had $40 million to spend, you can bet that you wouldn't pay $42 million to a subcontractor!)
Oops...I guess I couldn't actually resist =P
But all jabs aside(for real this time!) this Edition of Monopoly has LESS player tokens than the original! I just want to warn everybody right now because my friends and I sat down to play and we had this edition and there weren't enough tokens =( We worked around this though by just using some ghetto random small objects as tokens. However, I think the cash got a little low when we did this after everybody starting getting more money into the game(since every time we passed go people got paid) so if you have a long game you might have serious problems even with ghetto tokens!
Just wanna let you know. Other than that the game's pretty much monopoly with different land names(which can actually be very confusing for those of us used to grouping properties based on names and not hunting for the colors every time), slightly more realistic money(which is also annoying as hell because they're ALL THE SAME COLOR. So if you're used to the easy to use color coding to help you separate the money to pay people, you're gonna have to learn to flip through your money looking at numbers.)
All in all, it's probably worth $5.97 since you can probably pick up classic for around $8. I think I've seen it for about $8 before in multiple places. The American edition is just a little less practical than the original.
Still, if you don't have that many friends(to use up all the pieces) and you don't mind memorizing new real estate names or looking at your money carefully every time you have to pay someone, this is no big deal. Personally I didn't think it was nearly as easy to play as the original one, and that just attests to how finely tuned the classic monopoly is, and being that it is itself a piece of americana it would be just as patriotic to buy the regular one =P
Or, spend a crapload and buy one of those uber editions they used to have. Like that edition that had gold plated pieces.
EDIT: I looked on google a little wee while and found the uber $595 edition:
For the clinically insa...I mean monopoly enthusiast
A ridiculously enthusiastic review and links to pictures. Oh and I agree that it makes you want it really really really bad =P but thankfully I am still too cheap to buy this