

Junior Member
Sep 25, 2000
I hav a Sony G200 17" monitor. The text is sharp, the colours are amazingly vibrant yet the geometry sucks. There is noticeable bowing horizontally and it's almost impossible to make the edges straight. I find it amazing that in 2001 high tech. companies can't lick the geometry problem.

I tried a Samsung 700NF and although the geometry was slightly better and there were more built-in controls, the colours just didn't match the Sony.

Well, now I want to get a 19" monitor instead. Should I opt for the Sony E400 or G400 or try another Samsung. Also, the consensus seems to be that for vibrant colours stick with aperture grille.


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 1999

Well, if you're satisfied with Sony Trinitron technology and their color quality, consider a KDS AV-195TF, which is comparable to the Sony G400 but at a much lower cost. It's got a Sony FD Trinitron tube so the display quality would be the same.

Otherwise, consider a Samsung 900NF, which is also a flat screen but uses the Mitsubishi Diamondtron NF tube technology.

Whichever way you go, I highly recommend you stray away from Sony as their warranty stinks! You won't find a better (and more complete) policy than KDS or Samsung's.

The Wildcard

Platinum Member
Oct 31, 1999
Ablatt, well try setting your sony G200's geometry settings using some kind of display utility, like NOKIA DISPLAY software. You can download it at In the program, threre's a geometry test where it displays a GEOMETRY patter. USe that to correct set your monitor.

Now afterwards, if you still notice the geometry problems AND can't force yourself to get used to it or ignore it, THEN, you should maybe decide to buy a NON-FD TRINTRON monitor.

The fact of the matter is that all of the new FD trintron monitors all have some slight geometry problem. And i don't care if somebody says their samsung or kds or sony doesn't. It does, but they just don't see it. This applies to the Samsung NF series, KDS AV-195TF, Sony E400 & G400 and Mitsubishi 91 Plus.

My sony g400 had a slight problem and after spending days adjusting the geomtetry settings, i managed to MINIMIZE the annoyances and after 1 week i just got used to the slight curving in the top left corner.


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 1999
From what I've heard, Flat Screens suffer from more geometry problems than non-flats. Seems to me that this problem varies more from one monitor to another than from brand to brand. I have a Sony 400ps and it has had more than it's share of complaints about geometry problems yet my particular monitor has been rock solid perfect for 2 years now.
I thinks it's more of a crap shoot than anything else. You may get lucky, you may not.