so I get a call from a friend who has till the end of the month to spend her money from the university grant.
she does not know what to buy and asked me for ideas.
I got to thinking about it and I have a few ideas in mind but I thought I would post here to see what others think.
maan, why don't I ever get such pleasant problems.....
the budget is $999
right off the bat, she cannot buy clothes or laptop.
i'm unclear if the merchandise will be at her house or at the univ.
so far I have,
1) brand new nokia tablet for $400. this would be great to have
2) some kinda NAS device since she has a desktop and a lappy....(i'm hoping she will be allowed to keep this stuff at home)
3) maybe a media streamer, wi-fi/ethernet to connect the desktop to the tv. I know her husband dloads lots.
4) she can buy another laptop but she doesn't want to...just does not make sense.
she already has an ipod and a digital camera. she also bought lots of books and printer cartridges!
she cannot buy cell phones tv/dvd players or anything such.
basically, she should be able to justify it a little bit for her P.hd
she does not know what to buy and asked me for ideas.
I got to thinking about it and I have a few ideas in mind but I thought I would post here to see what others think.
maan, why don't I ever get such pleasant problems.....
the budget is $999
right off the bat, she cannot buy clothes or laptop.
i'm unclear if the merchandise will be at her house or at the univ.
so far I have,
1) brand new nokia tablet for $400. this would be great to have
2) some kinda NAS device since she has a desktop and a lappy....(i'm hoping she will be allowed to keep this stuff at home)
3) maybe a media streamer, wi-fi/ethernet to connect the desktop to the tv. I know her husband dloads lots.
4) she can buy another laptop but she doesn't want to...just does not make sense.
she already has an ipod and a digital camera. she also bought lots of books and printer cartridges!
she cannot buy cell phones tv/dvd players or anything such.
basically, she should be able to justify it a little bit for her P.hd