Modulation/codification techniques for xDSL


Senior member
Dec 12, 2000
I am doing an university dissertation covering the xDSL technologies. Most of the info available in the NET are pretty superficial and do not explain technical details, like the modulation and codification schemes, noise sensitivity, rate adaptation procedures according to the degradation of the transmission lines, spectral interference with other signals, ATM layer, etc...

Most of those information can be found in the ANSI recommendations and many others in the ITU-T recommendations, but unfortunately I do not have cash to purchase them. I would appreciate if someone here could help me to find a more technical content.

Thanks in advance.


Senior member
Dec 12, 2000
Thank you Menelaos, but dslforums was the first site I visited and couldn't find what I want. Regarding the ITU recommendations, actually, any person may download up to 3 recommendations for free, each year. But the most helpful info is explained in the ANSI recommendations, that can be purchased, only.

Anybody here that knows about these technical details?
Thanks in advance.