MODs, please lock this thread and Prohibit these types of beg threads.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2000
Please lock this thread:

In my opinion I would prohibit these types of beg threads for a number of reasons. First the validility of the nature. Second people will start flaming, asking questions..going against each other. Third, people will start following in these steps. Fourth, it's a For Sale/Trade forum, not a charity place, or a place to rob people of emotions by stating 'been raped' or 'might be homeless'. There is so much Anandtech members can do. If this person is really needy, there are many places for him to go. Other various reasons as well.

A few people pointed out questionable points in the thread. I am not judging, but my mind does wonder.
Bottom line, members helped him out one time, now he's going for a second time. I'm sure this will be a chain reaction.
Its cool to state your problems and say please buy this stuff from me to help out, but thats not the case.
Thread is going out of control.



Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000
Yep, going to the well a second time on the FS/FT forum and not expecting to get flamed or questioned is quite naive.

I am with you.


Diamond Member
Feb 6, 2001
I could be very wrong about this, but didn't the FS/FT Rules used to mention something about no donation threads? I don't remember the exact wording, but it came about after someone was looking for free hardware to build a machine for their brother, who in turn was imaginary. Now that I reread the rules, it doesn't say anything about that. What happened to that clause?


Senior member
Nov 29, 1999
Requesting donations should be banned from FS/FT. If people need to sell items to raise money, no problem, but they should not be allowed to attach a tale of woe which cannot be verified. By encouraging these threads, we'll just bring more cons to the forums. I think that people should remember that online identities are more easily stolen than credit card numbers so although you may think your dealing with a well-known person, you may not be. It could even be that an older, reliable member's ID is being used by his teenager or babysitter without his knowledge.


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2001
I applaud the mods for closing/ deleting that awful thread.
Saying nothing of the thread, I think we need to stick to selling and trading in that forum.