Modem bonding ISP (Shotgun)


Junior Member
Oct 6, 2000
I live out in the tules where we have no DSL and no cable TV. I'm trying to set up a dial-up server to host network address translation for my home network, and I want the fastest possible connection without paying the outrageous sum the phone company wants for ISDN. So I got myself a Diamond Suprasonic II Shotgun modem and I'd like to find a good, reasonably priced ISP that will support it.

All of the ones I've contacted want me to sign up for two accounts (at twice the price, of course).

Anybody know of a good ISP that supports bonding modems (Shotgun technology) at a price somewhat less than two individual accounts?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Hi, I have that modem too.
Some ISP' will allow the bonding without two acct. I have done this with some of the free ones (remember Worldspy) Just make the second connection and check the thing for multilink. This was with Win98.
For paid ones, Aplus (A+) was good at about $29.95 / month.
I would check - I haven't tried it for dual connections, but it's great with a single connection.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2000
I used to have a couple of Boca Tidalwave modems, and I was able to use the same account on both (one machine, two modems) simultaneously. They came with "modem teaming" software - it wasn't true channel bonding (and didn't really help my web surfing) but it did double my download speeds for large files. This was before win98's multilink feature.

Have you guys check out satellite/dish ISP's?



Junior Member
Oct 6, 2000
Thanks for the input.

I've ruled out dish/satellite ISP's because of the requirement for telephone unlinks which make the use of NAT expensive if not impossible. If I have to pay for the high speed connectivity, I would like to dump my second phone line to save costs. I'm not in business at home, I can get T1 access at work, but I'd like the best possible use of my two phone lines at home for my family of five little internet users!

Alta Vista Free Access claimed logging in twice on the same machine would cause their advertising banner software to have fits, in fact I know I won't run two instances of it on the same machine; I've tried it.

Guess I can just start trying various free services, just got a CD from Costco which uses Yahoo Free access...