Mobo now dead? PS turns on, cpu gets hot- no post, no cpu fan spinning?


Senior member
Dec 20, 1999
Recently accquired an older SIS mobo with a Cyrix chip. I tested it a couple times and it posted, showing ram, etc.

When I hooked up a dead hdd, the mobo still posted and correctly gave me a "Disk Error" msg.

When I plugged in an old 400mb hdd, the mobo wouldn't turn off w/the power switch and I had to pull the plug.
Now when I turn it on, only the Power supply fan turns on- the cpu fan doesen't move and the mobo doesen't post...and the cpu gets hot.
I cannot turn the mobo off with the off switch.

If the mobo was dead, the cpu shouldn't be getting power, right- thus it shouldn't be heating up.
Reset the cmos, took out the battery- still no post.

Dead Mobo?
Was I a dork to plug in an old hdd? (i doubt it)

hmm, any ideas?


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
. Common causes of failure to boot (no video, no beeps):
1- RAM, CPU and/or AGP video card not seated properly, or a bent pin.
2- Drive data cable on upside down or only on half the pins or shifted . a pin or two (usually Floppy or Zip drives).
3- CMOS needs to be cleared (AC power must usually be disconnected or . attempt to clear CMOS may fail) Unless your mobo does not use a power-off CMOS clear - check your mobo manual for specific info.
4- On some new mobos there is a CPU protection feature (esp. on Asus/Asrock Athlon/Socket A mobos) that will not allow the system to start if there is no fan (or a fan without a working speed sensor wire) connected to the fan power connector on the mobo (specifically marked "CPU Fan"). If you tried to start your machine without a fan properly connected, you have to attach a proper and working fan and clear the CMOS before it will boot.


Senior member
Dec 20, 1999
zepper, thanks for the ideas:
-cpu is seated correctly, fan is plugged in.
-no ram is on mobo- should post, correct?
-drive cable is correct, no bent pins
-this is an old mobo, don't think there is a protection feature.

Thanks though!

Now I am wondering if the old HDD could have shorted and caused the mobo to be shorted?