Mobile from China infested with colony of bugs


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2013
There is a certain dealer from China from which i bought a mobile around 4months ago. I tested it and then boxed it. I recently had the need to use my two cards in one device so opened it again and begun using it. The dealer was [FONT=&quot]skhuamei2015 [/FONT] beware not to buy from him. I at the beginning of last week noticed that there was a bug on my screen small and white moving around. At first i believed that something got in and it will die after a while or get out the same way. The second day there were two of them and the third three. That made me a little curious and i googled it. I found out that i wasn’t the only one similar problem have occurred. It was a kind of mite that colonizes mobile phones. The things i read said that this bug can possibly enter your ear. The next day i examined the case i was using and counted and killed a dozen of this bugs on it. This means the get out harvest and go back in. I was forced to put it in an airtight container and since i cant use it i am giving it a treatment with a very strong insecticide for about a month and i will see. Please beware when you buy mobiles from China origin and stay away from that dealer. When i tried to contact him he called a liar. I told him that all this will go in public either he accepts it back or not its a matter of hygiene.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
I just googled this. There is others complaining of the same issue from this seller.

This is gross.


Golden Member
Jan 11, 2011
Link to the information about the bugs?

The things i read said that this bug can possibly enter your ear. The next day i examined the case i was using and counted and killed a dozen of this bugs on it. This means the get out harvest and go back in.

This sounds more like an urban legend to me. That being said, bugs often like electronics (warm, quiet). But I have trouble believing they could have survived in a box for a month...


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2013
I wish my friend i could take some photos but mites are rather very small organisms they are white and i could say they are rather energetic in morning hours. I currently placed mobile in an airtight container and used insectiside baygon for ants and cockroaches i hope that they are not that resistant. I will continue it for about a month with weekly treatment so that i can get their eggs too when they hatch. If that doesnt work out i will throw it and get it away from me. Ebay has taken all my writtings away no asking. Its not a spam just my story trying to be heard. I think that there are possibly many cases cause its a oroblem of hygene in their production process. But try thinking them immigrating in your ear.


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2013
I will try in the end of the process to take one or two to the laboratory in my work and have some fotos to proove my point. I tried taking a closer look with a small microscope i have but the move rather fast on my mobile screen and i couldnt take a good look.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2011
But I have trouble believing they could have survived in a box for a month...

If it's just a few and one is laying eggs, they won't need a lot of food. I've even read a few stories about some insects eating electronics or using other compounds found in them for food, so there might be something that these particular bugs are using for food.


Junior Member
Feb 27, 2013
I just hope that human blood isnt in their menu cause that means they would gladly colonize human body as well and they are both hard to trace and kill cause of their size.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
buying anything completely made in china is generally a recipe for disaster. There are exceptions here and there but i would never buy a china branded phone.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2000
Was it an Xperia? If so, then soak the phone in water because I hear they're waterproof.