There is a certain dealer from China from which i bought a mobile around 4months ago. I tested it and then boxed it. I recently had the need to use my two cards in one device so opened it again and begun using it. The dealer was [FONT="]skhuamei2015 [/FONT] beware not to buy from him. I at the beginning of last week noticed that there was a bug on my screen small and white moving around. At first i believed that something got in and it will die after a while or get out the same way. The second day there were two of them and the third three. That made me a little curious and i googled it. I found out that i wasnt the only one similar problem have occurred. It was a kind of mite that colonizes mobile phones. The things i read said that this bug can possibly enter your ear. The next day i examined the case i was using and counted and killed a dozen of this bugs on it. This means the get out harvest and go back in. I was forced to put it in an airtight container and since i cant use it i am giving it a treatment with a very strong insecticide for about a month and i will see. Please beware when you buy mobiles from China origin and stay away from that dealer. When i tried to contact him he called a liar. I told him that all this will go in public either he accepts it back or not its a matter of hygiene.