Mirroring (i.e. RAID) software suggestions


Senior member
Oct 17, 2001
Hey all,

I just bought a new 200GB drive to complement my 80GB primary drive. Because I'm paranoid, and until I can afford enough of these things to get hardware-based RAID 5 set up, my thought was to create an 80GB partition on the new drive and mirror it to my main drive through software. Thus, I'll always have a backup.

Do any of you know some particularly good software to do this? I'm pretty certain I can't use XP's built-in RAID mirroring because i'm only using a partition, not the whole drive, but please correct me if I'm wrong. I played around on download.com a bit, looking at what's available, but nothing seemed like exactly what I need. So I'd love any suggestions :)

Thanks in advance!


Elite Member
May 1, 2001
Google on "drive mirroring software" - came up with at least three ads for the SW you're looking for.