"Millennials" Vs Older People


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012

So, I want to see what you guys think about this.

I have worked in several places in the past where there was an ever growing gap between young people and older employees. Last summer, I interned at a company that had shifted its focus to bringing in fresh young talent. The company policy used to be that you had to wear business attire to work. The CEO decided to change to a casual environment and started to actively recruit college students as interns and later as full time employees (the hire rate at the end of the internship was like 20%).

I was in the first batch of interns under this change and I have to say that the older employees just did not like the policy change nor did they like having a bunch of interns suddenly in the office. The intern directors would get all sorts of complaints about what we were doing. Much of them over trivial things. For example, someone reported one of the interns because she liked to wear dresses and heels everyday. Her attire was always tasteful...but it was always colorful (not loud..just not bland black/white) with jewelry and shoes to match. We were told by the managers that it was "an age thing" and that some people thought it was inappropriate. I am not kidding. That was the explanation. "Don't worry about it, we took care of it. Some people are just threatened, that's all."

There were also some employees who would voice their opinion about us out loud about how liberal the work environment had become. To be honest, I thought we were all respectful, we did our work and didn't cause trouble...but there was a disparity between the "Millennial" and the older people. They still came to work in business attire, we didn't. We hung out after work. They didn't. The company regularly planned outings and lunches for us (just the interns),paid dinners/lunches/bar crawls, etc) and it just pissed a lot of people off because they didn't get the same thing.

Currently I am working for a company that also has a relaxed environment....everyone young and old is totally fine with the dress code. Everyone dresses casual. The problem here is that there are a LOT of people in the office are tattle telling on younger employees. It's ridiculous. I was speaking with a lady in the break room about how someone reported me to my manager for leaving to go to lunch 10 minutes early. 10 minutes..... I also have to say that 1) I was given permission to go because I wanted to work out a bit early and 2) I have no idea how this person knew what time my lunch was...and also how they knew I had left.

The woman in the break room just told me that I just need to order my steps around certain people because they are "watchers".

There has been quite a bit of telling since I have been here and it's really petty. I don't get it. The people doing it are repeat offenders and they tell on several people a week. I'm not sure why they still work here...I don't think its healthy for the work environment. Most of these people appear to be really nice. They always smile, they always greet you....but they will tell on you in a heartbeat. One of my co-workers was reported for "leaving work" before it was time to get off. He actually hadn't left the building but he was not in his office and the person who reported him called his office phone to see if he was there....then came by periodically to check for him..then reported him for "going home". The next day, the guy who was reported told me the dude who told on him greeted him with a smile like everything was cool.

I am not saying that older people don't do this to each other. This is just something that I have observed while working. I didn't think about starting a discussion about it until today when I was reported and my manager pulled me aside to let me know that certain people are overly concerned about things that aren't their business and that I should start to expect more reports to come since the IT team has so many liberties.
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No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The more secure the job, the worse the petty politics. Sometimes I think we aught to move into office trailers and keep people hopping from trailer to trailer just to disrupt habit formation.


Feb 8, 2000
The "millennials suck" thread and all the other "news" articles about millennials sucking should be enough to suggest that this isn't an isolated incident -- or trolling.

I hate my job, but I swear to god, the place is so damn laid back and diverse that it's hard to leave.


Jun 12, 2000
If people would spend more time working at work, and less time running their mouths and worrying about everyone's business, the workplace and world would be a much happier places.


Aug 3, 2006
Certain people will be petty no matter what their circumstances are, it's part of their personality. That said, I've also noticed more bitter and/or petty passive-aggressive old people than I have young or middle-aged people.

My favorite theory is that after decades of putting up with their bitter and petty predecessors they're pissed off at life and taking it out on those useless kids below them. And so the wheel of time turns.

Carson Dyle

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2012
There's nothing special about the so-called "Millennials" or the situation today. This has been going on in offices since businesses were first created. You have older workers looking over their shoulders, worried about the young up and coming stars who will likely pass them by, and younger workers who think they know more than they actually do. It's a age-old equation that will never change.


Dec 3, 2013
If people would spend more time working at work, and less time running their mouths and worrying about everyone's business, the workplace and world would be a much happier places.

And I don't work in an office, I run and Program a HAAS CNC machine, but still see that behavior.
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No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
My perspective is that younger workers entering the workforce are getting screwed over hard. The baby boomers didn't save enough to retire so they won't leave, freezing out advancement opportunities. Employers have embraced internships as a way of holding out the elusive carrot of permanent employment and churning cheap labor. I can see why the younger workers wouldn't be too motivated when they realize it ain't going to get them anywhere.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
There's nothing special about the so-called "Millennials" or the situation today. This has been going on in offices since businesses were first created. You have older workers looking over their shoulders, worried about the young up and coming stars who will likely pass them by, and younger workers who think they know more than they actually do. It's a age-old equation that will never change.

I'm not saying there is anything special about us. I have just noticed that some older people can't stand us. Perhaps they are worried like you say...but creating a hostile work environment by constantly reporting people to their superiors seems like it would lead to them being let go anyway.

Also, some of these people have job titles like "processor". I'm a firm believer of being hard to replace if you have an important job and you do it better than anybody they could every try and bring in.

The network guy at work has been there 30 years. He's old enough to be my dad and he's sharp as a whip, he knows networking like the back of his hand. He's mentoring me as well. He isn't worried about some kid taking his job or being allowed to wear jeans to work.
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Dec 3, 2013
I'm a Baby Boomer and have been mistreated myself job wise the last 3 or 4 years when I thought I had a solid job at Honeywell I could retire on till they purged me there from Corporate bullshit, how would I retire currently at 53 and getting screwed and having to live with it and find another job?

I even had Senior Engineers telling management at the time telling them not to do it and had to go scraping for a job at much less then I used to make and still do Aerospace R&D daily, though I should start looking again as it's way below what I used to make.

Fortunately, my investments made about as much as I made hourly last year, although that's still BS.

Life's a bitch more or less sometimes, and sounds you're starting off right and better than many actually.

I joined the Marines out of high school myself in 1980, and learned a lot about helping people in addition to the fastest way to kill people more or less.

Be grateful you weren't born a kid in Afghanistan or some undeveloped country at the moment and trying to find food everyday and no one trying to blow your ass up.

Just one of the reasons "Older People" don't care to hear younger people bitch.

It's what people have been saying for a long time, CEOS in large Corporations and the 1% are sucking up all the money, and buying Yachts etc, and the middle class has been getting screwed and any "Millineail" voting GOP is sealing his own fate these days.
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Aug 3, 2006
My perspective is that younger workers entering the workforce are getting screwed over hard. The baby boomers didn't save enough to retire so they won't leave, freezing out advancement opportunities. Employers have embraced internships as a way of holding out the elusive carrot of permanent employment and churning cheap labor. I can see why the younger workers wouldn't be too motivated when they realize it ain't going to get them anywhere.

Guh, how could I forget that? Discouraged workers are a serious problem, our unemployment rate is artificially low by half a percent since they aren't counted in it. I'm not sure if unpaid interns are in that number either, but I kinda doubt it.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2005
Is your job paid by the hour? Is there a time clock? Are these people your supervisors? Just do like Milton and burn the place down.

I ended up going through an apprentice program and yet even in construction you still see the same crap.

I stay home with the kids now.
Feb 25, 2011
Office politics suck. Although, having worked in education and corporate environments... I'm not sure which is worse. Old male nerds are cranky and passive-aggressive, but old female 4th grade teachers are fucking scary.

But at least there's baked goods... shit... gotta go work out again.

Just network, keep an ear to the ground - you'll find a place eventually where you'll be a good fit.


Golden Member
Sep 12, 2000
I think it comes down to personality types in addition to age.

Older people dislike us younger folks because we exude positive energy and are actually in a good mood most of the time. We generally have a more optimistic outlook on life and try to make the best of our situation. We also tend to be more social with one another and are much more willing to spend time with co-workers outside of work. We don't necessarily agree that life has to be some endless struggle.

Older folks have already had these positive feelings drilled out of them by decades of dull, repetitive, and uninspiring work. They've built up a lot mental baggage over the years which governs what they consider to be 'normal' behavior. This puts them into a negative mindset where not only are they not enjoying themselves, but they don't want to see anyone else enjoying themselves either. They will behave in petty, trite, or outright rude ways as an outlet for their displeasure -> office politics.

(obviously these are generalizations and don't apply to everyone)

Anyway, these are just my thoughts on the current generational gap based on my experiences and others my age. I urge my peers to resist becoming the same miserable, curmudgeon-like people that we despise today.
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Sep 12, 2012
Older people dislike us younger folks because we exude positive energy and are actually in a good mood most of the time. We generally have a more optimistic outlook on life and try to make the best of our situation. We also tend to be more social with one another and are much more willing to spend time with co-workers outside of work.

That's because life hasn't beaten you up yet.

1. Get back to me when you realize that 35% of your pay goes to taxes. My brother's friend who is a deadbeat doesn't like work. You are going to have to pay for his rent, electricity, and food.

2. Wait until you have a wife and children. I hope you like to work 60+ hour weeks.

I could go on but I will leave it there. If someone would like to contribute then please do so.


Dec 3, 2013
I think it comes down to personality types in addition to age.

Older people dislike us younger folks because we exude positive energy and are actually in a good mood most of the time. We generally have a more optimistic outlook on life and try to make the best of our situation. We also tend to be more social with one another and are much more willing to spend time with co-workers outside of work. We don't necessarily agree that life has to be some endless struggle.

Older folks have already had these positive feelings drilled out of them by decades of dull, repetitive, and uninspiring work. They've built up a lot mental baggage over the years which governs what they consider to be 'normal' behavior. This puts them into a negative mindset where not only are they not enjoying themselves, but they don't want to see anyone else enjoying themselves either. They will behave in petty, trite, or outright rude ways as an outlet for their displeasure -> office politics.

(obviously these are generalizations and don't apply to everyone)

Anyway, these are just my thoughts on the current generational gap based on my experiences and others my age. I urge my peers to resist becoming the same miserable, curmudgeon-like people that we despise today.
Actually I usually come to work everyday in a pretty good mood, then have to work setting up machines for younger people to run that are too busying talking on their phones "which i do not take to work" scrapping out parts now and then because they are not paying attention to what they are doing, thinking they are at last nights party instead of work.

This policy and a few others has been rapidly changing since I started there, even from another guy that is newer than I telling the managers wtf they are doing wrong and might even leave there myself.

We all ready had a Programmer that had been there a long time say fuck it and leave a short while back.
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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2011

So, I want to see what you guys think about this.

I think you are a gossipy pain in the ass with an immature mindset who is worrying about about a bunch of stuff that doesn't matter instead of focusing on producing the best work you possibly can.

Who is telling on who and what people wear at work are not topics that should be occupying your time.


Diamond Member
Sep 7, 2006
Who is telling on who and what people wear at work are not topics that should be occupying your time.

Exactly. This has nothing to with old people vs millenials. I guarantee you there are plenty younger 20's something's that are fake rats like the OP describes.

This behavior is a result of people being put into a professional heirachy, having to socialize with each other and the fact that human beings are generally cunts. It's like this IN EVERY COMPANY EVERYWHERE.

Ignore it and do your job. The more you show you don't give 2 fucking shits about the petty shit, the more likely you will do your job better, be promoted and get more $$$$$$$$$$$$. You'll notice everywhere that the lower the totem pole, the higher likely hood of the pettiness.


Jun 9, 2007
OP is an racist and and agist. Not a big surprise. :colbert:

edit: Oops I forgot that she is sexist too. :D


Dec 3, 2013
Exactly. This has nothing to with old people vs millenials. I guarantee you there are plenty younger 20's something's that are fake rats like the OP describes.

This behavior is a result of people being put into a professional heirachy, having to socialize with each other and the fact that human beings are generally cunts. It's like this IN EVERY COMPANY EVERYWHERE.

Ignore it and do your job. The more you show you don't give 2 fucking shits about the petty shit, the more likely you will do your job better, be promoted and get more $$$$$$$$$$$$. You'll notice everywhere that the lower the totem pole, the higher likely hood of the pettiness.
+1 for the most part, you still have to pay a little attention to what is going on around you, but obsessing over it is ridiculous.

One former high end lab I used to work at used to have an old Ghostbusters crossed out Rat on it, No Rats Allowed sign we had up there.

That was mostly because we only had 3 people in there and in general produced flawless work and wanted to keep it that way.
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