Military Weapons for Law Enforcement?


Jun 26, 2006
We don't want weapons of war on our streets :colbert:

...Except in the hands of poorly trained law enforcement :hmm:


Feb 5, 2011
Where is the pic?

I also am unclear as to why police need weapons that are only suitable on the battlefield.

I am glad the ACLU is looking into the insane militarization of civilian police. These cops have watched too many movies and think they are about to take out a Bond villain.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2012
Where is the pic?

I also am unclear as to why police need weapons that are only suitable on the battlefield.

I am glad the ACLU is looking into the insane militarization of civilian police. These cops have watched too many movies and think they are about to take out a Bond villain.



Apr 8, 2002
Even more ironic. That looks like a pretty short barrel M4(<16 inches). Which is illegal to own as a civilian.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
FBI Officer At Armed Standoff Has His Rifle Sight On Backward

Photo at article bottom: Herkimer Shooting: Calls NY SAFE Act Into Question

No money for school children to tour White House?

Plenty of money to buy military weapons for Law Enforcement.

Can't wait until these guys get their own Predators.

What could possibly go wrong?


lol the rededdit thread is pretty harsh on the guy.

"And it's disturbing to think that 1) none of his buddies corrected it, and 2) he's in a real-life situation with his optic on backwards, which means he's never fired that rifle with the optic on it, which means it isn't zeroed and he thought it was OK to show up to a gunfight with an unzeroed weapon."


oh and not to mention the guy with the shotgun has his finger on the trigger. thought that was a big no no when dealing with guns
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Oct 9, 1999
lol the rededdit thread is pretty harsh on the guy.

"And it's disturbing to think that 1) none of his buddies corrected it, and 2) he's in a real-life situation with his optic on backwards, which means he's never fired that rifle with the optic on it, which means it isn't zeroed and he thought it was OK to show up to a gunfight with an unzeroed weapon."


oh and not to mention the guy with the shotgun has his finger on the trigger. thought that was a big no no when dealing with guns

Keep in mind, these are the highly trained professionals that the gun grabbers believe are more qualified than any citizen to carry these handheld weapons of mass destruction.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
Keep in mind, these are the highly trained professionals that the gun grabbers believe are more qualified than any citizen to carry these handheld weapons of mass destruction.
Highly trained to do what they are told, of course...

Vic Vega

Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
Police think they are the military and need to be dressed/armed as such which is HILARIOUS considering violent crime is down for 30+ years or so.

There WAS a time when police did fight with automatic weapons against well armed outlaw gangs. Back then they dressed like this:


Modern police have played far too much Call of Duty. It's absolutely hilarious.


Nov 17, 2011
oh and not to mention the guy with the shotgun has his finger on the trigger. thought that was a big no no when dealing with guns

I do not know the immediate circumstances, but if he was about to fire it (or thought he was about to be in a firefight), then it is fine. Most likely that is not the case, though.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Keep in mind, these are the highly trained professionals that the gun grabbers believe are more qualified than any citizen to carry these handheld weapons of mass destruction.

This, so much this.

Vic Vega

Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
i would say where I'm at, probably over 50% of the police force consists of military veterans. It seem like a popular choice for people coming back to civilian life after serving overseas.

That's probably accurate but never the less they are two separate and different things.


Jun 23, 2004
i would say where I'm at, probably over 50% of the police force consists of military veterans. It seem like a popular choice for people coming back to civilian life after serving overseas.

I don't believe people trained to kill are the best to protect and serve. Those are often opposing objectives with vastly different rules. Unless Americans prefer being treated like Iraqis or Afghans. Maybe we do.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
I don't believe people trained to kill are the best to protect and serve. Those are often opposing objectives with vastly different rules. Unless Americans prefer being treated like Iraqis or Afghans. Maybe we do.

funny you should say that, I was watching BSG yesterday and Comm. Adama said that the military serves to fight the enemy and the police serve to protect the citizens, and once you have the military serving as the police, the civilians become the enemy of the state.


May 12, 2001
Keep in mind, these are the highly trained professionals that the gun grabbers believe are more qualified than any citizen to carry these handheld weapons of mass destruction.

highly trained. . . . no wonder they need 1.6 million rounds . . .


Senior member
Dec 26, 2012
The retards sure are coming out of the wood works on this one. I doubt all police will be issued military rifles.

Not to mention how about checking out some facts on how many people die each year in some of these bigger cities compared to Afghan/Iraq.

O but you think you're so tough that you don't need police. Yet I doubt any one of you bitches would walk down a bad neighborhood alone in the dark. Dumbass, a lot more places would be like that without law, and there would be no laws if there was no one to enforce it.

Bunch of fucking tools, every last one of you. You're all nothing but sheep. If it's cool to hate on it you do. Yet none of you would have the balls to actually do that job even though I already know some of you morons will say you have. But hey it's the internet and I'm Bill Gates.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
The retards sure are coming out of the wood works on this one. I doubt all police will be issued military rifles.

Not to mention how about checking out some facts on how many people die each year in some of these bigger cities compared to Afghan/Iraq.

O but you think you're so tough that you don't need police. Yet I doubt any one of you bitches would walk down a bad neighborhood alone in the dark. Dumbass, a lot more places would be like that without law, and there would be no laws if there was no one to enforce it.

Bunch of fucking tools, every last one of you. You're all nothing but sheep. If it's cool to hate on it you do. Yet none of you would have the balls to actually do that job even though I already know some of you morons will say you have. But hey it's the internet and I'm Bill Gates.

nobody has said we don't need the police. i seem to be missing that.

what we are asking for is the police know what the fuck they are doing. which seems to be lacking in that pic..


Feb 5, 2011
Modern police have played far too much Call of Duty. It's absolutely hilarious.

A lot of anti-gun people will say that gun nuts watch too many movies and dream about killing imaginary enemies. And a lot of them definitely do, but I rarely hear the same argument about police, who not only watch the same movies and have the same dreams of being heroes, but use tax money to play these fantasies out. Some towns in the US have APCs for f**k's sake.
funny you should say that, I was watching BSG yesterday and Comm. Adama said that the military serves to fight the enemy and the police serve to protect the citizens, and once you have the military serving as the police, the civilians become the enemy of the state.
They are literally trained to kill and the police are not. In theory and presumably in practice some of this can be trained out of them when they join civilian police forces.
The retards sure are coming out of the wood works on this one. I doubt all police will be issued military rifles.

Not to mention how about checking out some facts on how many people die each year in some of these bigger cities compared to Afghan/Iraq.

O but you think you're so tough that you don't need police. Yet I doubt any one of you bitches would walk down a bad neighborhood alone in the dark. Dumbass, a lot more places would be like that without law, and there would be no laws if there was no one to enforce it.

Bunch of fucking tools, every last one of you. You're all nothing but sheep. If it's cool to hate on it you do. Yet none of you would have the balls to actually do that job even though I already know some of you morons will say you have. But hey it's the internet and I'm Bill Gates.
Tone down the rage, son. Nobody said we don't need police and in general being a police officer doesn't require much courage. These are cops, the huge majority will never see a fire fight. It's a relatively safe job. They are not military, the majority of whom will (these days). Two different beasts; stop confusing military and police. You're part of the problem if you don't know the difference.