Might be looking at hackintosh


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
I guess it's technically possible to mod an eSATA port into my mini (current gen), but it's such a pain in the ass. Besides, if I do that, I have to completely disconnect the internal drive.

There's something about it that I just don't like.

Soo... out of curiosity... Are there any hackintosh configurations that don't require any special hacks when there is a system update? Basically, I want to be able to build it, install OS X, and not have to worry about updates. I want to be able to just install stuff normally.

I _may_ sell/trade my Mac Mini and go the hackintosh route. Maybe.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004


You can't build a Hackintosh and not worry about updates. Even with an EFI-X chip, you have to update the firmware first before grabbing the latest OS X update. If you want updates, get a Mac. If you want a cheap Mac without the nice perks like problem-free updates, build a Hackintosh!


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
It should be clarified that 'updates' to be concerned over are Mac OS X system updates. Nothing else in software update presents any problems, IE: quicktime, security updates, pro application updates, iApp updates, etc. (At least not that I've run into in two years of total immersion in OSx86.)

Hackintosh is the only way to go for purpose-built Macs that would otherwise be ridiculous if relying on Apple. I now have Mac HTPCs all over the house- no way I'd have blown the dough of the least expensive offering from Apple on any one of them- not that Apple's least expensive offering could even stack up for performance.

I just built a $200 Atom Mini-mHack for the kitchen so my wife can keep recipes and watch/listen to whatever media she likes. I wouldn't even consider an expensive Mini just for that.

So anyway, a Hackintosh all depends on your needs. If you want say, more than one Mac, or purpose-built Macs in uses you'd never consider an Apple product, then it's perfect. It makes no difference to me if my HTPC (for example) is still running 10.5.6 rather than 10.5.7- it's only purpose is putting media on a TV, not anyone gawking over what number shows up in About This Mac.

If you're replacing your main desktop computer though, and being updated to 10.5.X the INSTANT it comes out is hugely important to you, you may want to just live with your Mini.



Senior member
Sep 3, 2005
To put it simply (and somewhat crudely), if you're so anal about updates, get a Mac. ;) Besides software requirements (eg, 10.4.11 instead of plain 10.4), I don't particularly care that much about updates. Everyone's different, though.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: ChAoTiCpInOy
What's wrong with external FW800 drive?

Well, I ordered one... so when it comes in, I'll see how it goes.