Microsoft Office 2007 home and student, legal download?

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
We have this on our church computer and it's good for up to 3 computers. Unfortunately we seem to have misplaced the cd. We bought a laptop for preachers to use during presentations and I want to put power point on it and since we have the license we may as well use the full suite. Anyone know of a reliable place to download an ISO? I can just get the key from the existing computer, right?

Worse case scenario I can always put the power point viewer I guess.


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2011
Maybe here?;)

I think you should be able to find the key by clicking on the Office button in the upper lefthand corner of the screen of the opened program, then looking under "about Microsoft Word 2007" under "Resources" in the "Word Options" menu.
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