Michelle Shocked's Anti-Gay Rant Leads to Canceled Tour Dates


Jul 13, 2005
First of all...who is Michelle???
2nd of all..how much brains does it take to realize that you just don`t say things like that in San Francisco.....whether you believe it to be the case or not.....duh....
3rd of all people don`t go to concerts to hear your opinion on social issues unless your name is Joan Baez....lolol


She goes by the stage name Michelle Shocked, but at the singer's concert in San Francisco on March 17, it was her fans who were left stunned when she went on an anti-gay tirade and was kicked offstage. Citing Old Testament verses from the Bible, the indie-folk artist and born-again Christian told the audience at Yoshi's that she hoped the courts would uphold Proposition 8, an amendment to the California state constitution that bans gay marriage.

"When they stop Prop 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization, and Jesus will come back," she reportedly said. "You can go on Twitter and say, 'Michelle Shocked says God hates f-gs.'"

At that point, much of the audience walked out and a club manager announced that Shocked's show was over. When she attempted to continue her set, staff at Yoshi's quite literally pulled the plug on her and turned off the stage lights.

In the wake of the rant, 10 of the singer's 11 upcoming tour dates have been canceled


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2005
First of all...who is Michelle???
2nd of all..how much brains does it take to realize that you just don`t say things like that in San Francisco.....whether you believe it to be the case or not.....duh....
3rd of all people don`t go to concerts to hear your opinion on social issues unless your name is Joan Baez....lolol


She goes by the stage name Michelle Shocked, but at the singer's concert in San Francisco on March 17, it was her fans who were left stunned when she went on an anti-gay tirade and was kicked offstage. Citing Old Testament verses from the Bible, the indie-folk artist and born-again Christian told the audience at Yoshi's that she hoped the courts would uphold Proposition 8, an amendment to the California state constitution that bans gay marriage.

"When they stop Prop 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization, and Jesus will come back," she reportedly said. "You can go on Twitter and say, 'Michelle Shocked says God hates f-gs.'"

At that point, much of the audience walked out and a club manager announced that Shocked's show was over. When she attempted to continue her set, staff at Yoshi's quite literally pulled the plug on her and turned off the stage lights.

In the wake of the rant, 10 of the singer's 11 upcoming tour dates have been canceled



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Well, that's sounds like a classic meltdown with hunk of career suicide tossed in for good measure.



Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
"When they stop Prop 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization, and Jesus will come back," she reportedly said.

An odd fear to have, since allowing gays to marry does not force priests to perform such marriages, let alone at gunpoint.

This might explain it:

Matt Penfield told the site. "When people ask if she seemed high or drunk, she didn’t. She seemed like someone who had actually gone off medication—anxious and rocking back and forth and a lot of activity and about to explode with emotional anxiety."


May 28, 2007
My dad really likes her music and he is also a big supporter of gay rights (including gay marriage)

I'll have to ask him what he thinks of all this.


Jul 13, 2005
-- sorry dude it`s not that cut and dry!! So she apologized....that`s the easy way out.....

Here is just a little bit of her apology -- The indie-folk singer who allegedly launched into an anti-gay tirade during a March 17 performance in San Francisco is speaking out, saying her controversial remarks have been "misinterpreted."

As CNN is reporting, Michelle Shocked released a statement saying that she does not believe that God hates homosexuals, and that her remark was only pointing out that "some of His followers believe that."

As for reportedly encouraging the audience to tweet that "Michelle Shocked says, 'God hates fags,'" the singer said she was merely "predicting the absurd way" her remarks would be interpreted.

She went on to apologize for not clarifying the declarations:

"I'm very sorry: I don't always express myself as clearly as I should. But don't believe everything you read on Facebook or Twitter. My view of homosexuality has changed not one iota. I judge not. And my statement equating repeal of Prop 8 with the coming of the End Times was neither literal nor ironic: it was a description of how some folks –- not me -– feel about gay marriage."
She added, "If I could repeat the evening, I would make a clearer distinction between a set of beliefs I abhor, and my human sympathy for the folks who hold them."

That is pure clap trap!! She did NOT give a meaningful apology -- How can what she said be mis-interpreted....it is what she said!! Of courser she would be very sorry -- whe just flushed her entire career down the tiolet to spew forth her so called Christian beliefs!!
This is what she said -- no need to clarify anything -- its cut and dry-how do you mis-interpret her statement?? hmmm
the indie-folk artist and born-again Christian told the audience at Yoshi's that she hoped the courts would uphold Proposition 8, an amendment to the California state constitution that bans gay marriage.

"When they stop Prop 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization, and Jesus will come back," she reportedly said. "You can go on Twitter and say, 'Michelle Shocked says God hates f-gs.'" -- she said it...what part was misinterpreted...hmmmm
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Nov 21, 2001
she sound pretty troubled. She had a relationship with a woman in the 90's and now is stuck with that history. Gets born again, and spends time and energy refuting her former behavior to the point of ranting about it.
That's a tough spot to be in.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2011
I don't know who this person is and her opinion means nothing to me let alone her career, her concert dates, or her apology. She's just another bigot.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2008
I never heard about her.

she sound pretty troubled. She had a relationship with a woman in the 90's and now is stuck with that history. Gets born again, and spends time and energy refuting her former behavior to the point of ranting about it.
That's a tough spot to be in.
yeah mentally ill people don't have a successful career usually.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
I was just tossing the link in too add more source material to the discussion.
"When they stop Prop 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization, and Jesus will come back," she reportedly said. "You can go on Twitter and say, 'Michelle Shocked says God hates f-gs.'" -- she said it...what part was misinterpreted...hmmmm

If that what she said that started all this then my first reaction is that was sarcasm and she was joking around.

The reasonable person test- "force priests at gunpoint to marry gays"
Based on that line I believe her intent was to be sarcastic.

However after a bit of reading.. http://www.spin.com/articles/michelle-shocked-gay-rant-apology-interview I think the issue is that she is bat-shit crazyand she now speaks permanently in tongue. Kind of like Gary Busey.
Based on her being BSC (genuine medical term...I'm not using potty language), would gay people want her to come out and say "I support Gay people and prop 8"Thats scrapping the bottom of the barrel for supportyour cause.
Its like Kirk Cameron going on stage and saying "The walking dead is my favorite show".
I'd probably stop watching The Walking Dead if I knew Kirk Cameron was watching at the same time.Probably sitting there with his God Bananas.That's just creepy


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
I'm old enough to remember when Michele Shocked was actually somebody.
However since michelle jenneke comes up in google search as I type Michele I cannot bother searching for some of her hits.
Need to see Jenneke do her little dance first


Jul 13, 2005
I'm old enough to remember when Michele Shocked was actually somebody.
However since michelle jenneke comes up in google search as I type Michele I cannot bother searching for some of her hits.
Need to see Jenneke do her little dance first
Thank You for clarifying your link....
I assumed you were implying that nsince she apologized everything is OK again...thanks for the clarification!!


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
Thank You for clarifying your link....
I assumed you were implying that nsince she apologized everything is OK again...thanks for the clarification!!

I do have a forum habit of crop dusting articles to feed discussions.
copy paste link....hit reply with out any other comments
run off to do something productive.