Originally posted by: Shantanu
MG series is pretty much dead.
I'd rather watch real movies with real actors anyways.
LOL. That's what I heard too. I've never played the Metal Gear games, but I heard they were all about the elaborate cut scenes. The actual gameplay itself was mediocre.
well, the gameplay is pretty well designed. it just happened to have a rather involving storyline (I won't say it's good or bad, it's just involving). The graphics is one of the best in Playstation2 games, very sharp and smooth.
It's all about being able to be solid snake and sneak around and kick ass. That alone is worth more than watching movies. Splinter cell is inspired by Metal Gear Solid line of games so it's rather unfair to say MGS2 sucks just because Splinter cell is better 3-4 years after release of MGS2.
PS2 has a bunch of exclusive games, so many that you PS2 owners really shouldn't complain about delay of MGS3. We don't have FF series, we don't have GTA series, we don't have socom.....
It's in the nature of console competition to have exclusive games. Don't bash MS for it. PS2 has been doing it for ages.