mfc programming question..


Senior member
Feb 28, 2001

i want to create a gui that's similar to windows explorer.. judging from windows explorer's appearance, it's a sdi application and it uses both treeview and listview.. i was wondering how to you use both the treeview and the listview on a sdi document with a splitter? i've only done programming with 1 view only, never done anything with 2 views before.. can someone help me out?


Golden Member
Jul 5, 2001
VC6 gives the option of Explorer-like during the Project Creation Wizard. You can also manually add-in this feature later on, but you have to be a bit better than a beginner to do it.


Senior member
Aug 29, 2001
I've given some thought to doing this before...

A couple things to keep in mind are:

Microsoft isn't forthcoming with all of their controls. (For instance, the tree/list view used in outlook express isn't available for your use, atleast not that I've seen or heard)

TreeView is extremely slow, make sure you disable its painting while you're making massive changes to it. You'll also have to find a way to be creative about how and when to populate portions of the treeview, cause if you do an entire drive at once, you may find it takes you forever.

Other than that, singh is correct, there is an explorer style wizard option which will set up the views and the splitter for you. I think this might be a reasonable project for someone with your experience, but there are a couple things which will cause you some difficulty... things that should be easy, but aren't. :)