Memory Recommendation


Junior Member
Feb 2, 2006
I'm looking to build a new system soon. I've decided on the Asus A8R32-MVP Deluxe mobo and ATI X1900XT (or XTX, depends on the prices I find). I'm looking to get about 2GB of ram. Does anyone have any recommendations? I don't plan to do any OC'ing. I am thinking I'll go Crossfire sometime down the line, when the cards come down in price a bit.

Oh, and I'm thinking the Athlon X2 4400+

I've always had good luck with Crucial, so I've been looking at this set: PriceGrabber

I've never found ECC to be much of a big deal, so the $100 savings is worth sticking to NON-ECC

Any other suggestions/opinions? Around $200 for 2 gigs, please ;)