Memory Conflicts?? I'm losing my mind!!!!!!!!!


Oct 9, 1999
All - I get this incessant message from Norton System Doctor that reads... "Low space for virtual memory". No matter what I do it pops up every 10-15 seconds. Now, when I shut down my computer it hangs and I get the "system busy" box so I "end task" and puter then shuts down. What the hell? I'm running W98, Norton System Works, 128 mg RAM (have been for about 2 years with no problems, then this)... NO other apps open, nothing much in the tool bar... So what gives? I'm overlooking something and it's driving me crazy. If you can help please do... Many thanks!


Golden Member
May 18, 2000
Well I have a similar set up on one of my comps. IMHO Norton System Work is the actual problem. It runs a ton of apps in the background to "maximize you PC's performance" but they actually eat up a large amount of resources.
I would disable all of the things like System Doctor and Crash Guard. All except Anti Virus. Just set them so they don't run on start up. If the app won't let you disable it, you can click Start, Run, then type msconfig
This allows you to control what starts up when you boot.
Shut down all the crud that you don't need running all the time. You can always run System Doctor, or whatever program, if you want to later.
The less stuff running in the background the better. Remeber whatever icons are in your system tray are actually apps eating up some amount of resources.
Hope this helps.