Mega Man 9 Thread

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
UPDATE 2 - 9/19/2008

I haven't updated this thread since the game became official.

IGN Review: 8.6

It releases on Sept. 22 on WiiWare, Xbox Live, and PlayStation Network.

Here's some media:
Intro shown at E3
Walkthrough from E3
Lots of Images



There's a post on the Mega Man Network claiming to have scans of an upcoming Nintendo Power issue with screenshots of Mega Man 9. They claim it will be released as a WiiWare title, and the screenshots show an 8-bit style game, resembling the NES games.

I remain skeptical, if only because I'd rather see Mega Man 9 look like 7 and 8, and not the NES games. If true, this move doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. We'll see what happens though.


Source: IGN

June 16, 2008 - These days Mega Man is more interested in card-battling than the side-scrolling platforming we grew up with. Hence our excitement when we noticed publisher/developer Capcom had submitted Mega Man 9 for rating with Australia's Classification Board and Classification Review Board. The organization acts like the Entertainment Software Ratings Board in the U.S. When a game shows up on one of these ratings lists, it's a pretty good indication it's on the way.

The game was filed for multiple platforms. Unfortunately no other details are given. The last game in the original Mega Man canon was part eight, released on the PlayStation and SEGA Saturn back in 1997.

Link to MM9 entry on Australian Classification Database

MEGA MAN 9 Game (Multi Platform)

Classification G (General)
Consumer Advice
Category Computer Games
Duration variable
Date of Classification 13 June 2008
Publisher CAPCOM
Production Company CAPCOM
Country of Origin NOT SHOWN
File Number T08/2442
Classification Number 674B2654

This could be great news. I wonder what we can expect from our old blue friend?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2001
Originally posted by: ducci
So which franchise do you think is more irrelevant today - Sonic or Mega Man?

You think if they had a Sonic & Mega Man game the world would implode?

Well as far as I know they still occasionally make decent Megaman games so I'll go with Sonic.

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Aikouka
To mah knowledge, Megaman 9 was Rockman & Forte in Japan.

Not officially. It was released here (U.S.) on the GBA as Megaman & Bass.

R Nilla

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2006

There's a post on the Mega Man Network claiming to have scans of an upcoming Nintendo Power issue with screenshots of Mega Man 9. They claim it will be released as a WiiWare title, and the screenshots show an 8-bit style game, resembling the NES games.

I remain skeptical, if only because I'd rather see Mega Man 9 look like 7 and 8, and not the NES games. If true, this move doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. We'll see what happens though.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Official release dates from capcom.

The wait is fianlly over: Mega Man 9 hits North America next week!

The game will be released for download on the September 22 for the Wii (1000 points). Playstation Network gets it September 25th ($9.99), and XBLA will have it October 1 (800 points)!

These dates are for North America ONLY. You may now begin your local variation of the Dance of Joy.

Can't wait and give it the ol' 8-bit try.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
Originally posted by: R Nilla
Ha, I completely forgot about this thread.

I saw this the other day and thought it was pretty cool:
Mega Man 9 NES cart

Too bad it's for the press only.

Well Capcom might put some up (200) on the Capcom store. If they announce a date and don't just put them up in the store I hope they're prepared for the traffic. Because if people know of a date that they'll be available they'll be reloading the page a LOT.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
I wonder if this will be the last of the classic Mega Man games? I mean how can they go beyond 9?

Mega Man X???? :p :p :p