I was playing with MS MP9 Live Broadcast. It got 30 Sec delay
Regardless of what ever Res output. It got delay.
Same delay is in local (Same Machine) or LAN or InterNEt
Now Local and LAN and Internet have no delay among them self.
But there is a delay from Local preview to any broadcast.
My Machine is As follow
P4 Prescott 3.0 (30-45 Load)
P875 Chipset
1 Gig Memory (70%free)
100 Mbis Nic
Logitech WebCam Pro 3000
I want to be Real Time like Yahoo SuperWebCam
Regardless of what ever Res output. It got delay.
Same delay is in local (Same Machine) or LAN or InterNEt
Now Local and LAN and Internet have no delay among them self.
But there is a delay from Local preview to any broadcast.
My Machine is As follow
P4 Prescott 3.0 (30-45 Load)
P875 Chipset
1 Gig Memory (70%free)
100 Mbis Nic
Logitech WebCam Pro 3000
I want to be Real Time like Yahoo SuperWebCam