Medal of Honor slows to a crawl


Senior member
Mar 15, 2001
For some odd reason I get major slowdown during close combat, especially w/ multiple machine guns firing. My system is by no means slow and I've already tried lowering my settings but it doesn't fix the problem.

Here is my setup:
Pentium4 1.6A @ 2.4ghz
Abit BD7-II Raid
Samsung 512mb ram @ 300mhz DDR CL2.0
Antec Truepower 330 watt ps
MSI Geforce4 Ti 4400
SB Audigy Platinum eX
Maxtor 80.0GB 7200rpm ATA/133
Maxtor 40.0GB 7200rpm ATA/133
Lite-On 48x12x48 CDRW
Lite-On 16x DVD-ROM

I have the 29.42 drivers installed. Normally I get around 92fps during the game but during close fights it has dropped to as low as 5fps!! I see there are 29.80 drivers available, haven't tried those yet but I suspect this isn't a driver issue (at least not related to my video card) as I haven't heard of anybody else w/ this problem.

My settings:
16 bit color & textures
all lighting effects off
everything to medium

The Ti4400 should easily handle those settings, but I was still getting slowdown. Hopefully somebody out there can help.



Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2000
go to advanced options and tell us what you have in there.

also, are you running sound at "high" sometimes EAX really locks me up in firefights.


Platinum Member
Feb 13, 2001
All the latest Quake3 games (including RTCW, SoF2, JK2 and MoH), have some serious performance issues on good hardware. Even my friend with a a 2.4giz and ti4600 has some choke spots on SoF2. My only real advice to you is to check if AA is on, and make sure it is OFF. Also check on your Ansiotropic filtering and turn it off too.



Senior member
Mar 15, 2001
Yea, AA is off and so is Antiscopic filtering. Everything under Advanced Options is set to Medium. Shadows are off, all lighting and decal effects are off. Sound quality is set to medium.

I suspect the sound card, I don't really know why...just a hunch. The damn game runs fine until a sh*tload of shots are being fired all around you. Then it crawls. I don't have that problem with Q3A though. I guess I'll try running at low quality sound, or even w/o sound and see if that does anything.

Is there a console command for no sound??


Diamond Member
Dec 10, 2000
I have decided that the Quake III engine blows chunks....

A wise forum techie said years ago that you put large levels on the QIII engine and it will slow to a crawl when anything happens... and BOY was he right.

I can't wait for Unreal 2k3 to come out.... it will run very nicely on high end system owners like you and me :)


Senior member
Jul 22, 2002
You may have already tried this but have you downloaded the update patch for MOHAA. I know I was having similar performance issues that got better or went away with the patch.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 1999
I just got Medal of Honor the other day after being blown away by the demo. My system specs are a lot lower than you guys (Celeron 1.3, 256MB RAM, 32MB Radeon LE@180) but even this system should still be able to get decent performance on the game at a moderate resolution like 1024x768. And it does 95% of the time. Very smooth, even with high quality settings on a few of the options. I downloaded the patch immediately BTW.

But then I got to the Normandy sequence last night. OUCH!! It was like watching a slideshow at times. I finally made it up to the shingle area, but it took me FOREVER to run back those measly 15ft to get the bangelores and then make it back alive. That part was worse than a slideshow. It was ridiculous. I kicked everything down to Stevie Wonder visual levels and it still did the same thing. It got me thinking that maybe I ought to upgrade again (since I'd love to see that sequence run smoothly.) But then I got talking to some other people with much higher system specs and they encountered the same thing in that sequence (so I'm not going to bother upgrading right now as this was the first time I ever encountered a slowdown like that.) My guess is that it's simply the game engine not being efficient at handling lots of activity at once.


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2001
That shouldn't be happening. I played it a while ago on an ancient pentium 3 500 and a Radeon LE, and it worked fine until the Snipertown level. On my Inspiron 8200 (p4m 1.6, 64 mb Geforce 4 Go), I just beat it with most settings on high, and rarely did I get a slowdown.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2001
I'm experiencing the same exact problems with MOH, constant slowdown when any action is on screen. I turned everything in Advanced down to the lowest settings and it still slows down. I d/l the patch but it won't install for me, it says that it cannot find the game on my computer.

Athlon XP 1700+
Epox 8KHA+
Geforce 3
128MB PC2100



Aug 14, 2000
Make sure shadows, vsync, FSAA and anisotropic filtering are all disabled.

16 bit color & textures
Put it back to 32 bit mode. LMA/LMAII is not active in 16 bit mode on GF3/GF4 cards so you might actually be degrading performance with 16 bit settings.


Senior member
May 15, 2001
Plays fine on my 1Ghz Morgan 256 Ram and Creative GeForce2 GTS 32MB (250/390). I play 1024x768 32bits high textures, settings on high, no shadows. Runs between 80 and 40 FPS.


Senior member
Feb 3, 2002
You all are gonna call me an idiot, but here goes....

I was noticing that my system never had more than 250 Mb of physical ram allocated to running apps, so I changed my AGP aperture (sp?) setting in my motherboard to as low as it would go (4Mb). Most of my games seemed to run well enough (have retail 64MB radeon 8500) so I didn't realize I had screwed things up...

Well, I downloaded the MOHAA, SOF2, and Battlefield 1942 demos... none seemed to work well, if at all... MOHAA was particularly frustrating, framerates were (semi)fluid until there was another "person" on the screen-- then went to <2 fps. Even changing to the most minimal settings didn't fix the problem. All of these games were just not playing right at all...

Well, after considerable frustration and tinkering, I remembered changing the AGP aperature setting in the BIOS. I set it for 128 MB, fired up MOHAA and it runs great now at very detailed settings.