Maya installation - help!


Jun 24, 2001
My friend is trying to install Maya on some computers at the school where he works. It has to go through a network "registration" process with a remote computer to enable the software. He belives that the server computer is set up properly, but the client software still generates an error message "MAYA.EXE has generated errors, an error log will be created" when launched. This is all after the registration supposedly completed "successfully." All 3 client computers he has set up have identical hardware, and give the same error message.

I don't know where the problem lies, and I know nothing about Maya. Still, he wanted me to post this for him to see if anyone can help :)

Oh yeah, he says he also gets the error message "Server computer cannot be found," I think on the same error message as the one above. (when trying to launch Maya on a client machine)
He knows that it can access the server, because it says "registration completed successfully" before he tries to launch it.
He has also formatted the client machines and reinstalled everything many times, to no effect.


Dec 10, 2000

<< "Server computer cannot be found," >>

Looks like your friends client machines can't find the license server. The license file points to a server name on the domain, example: "SERVER bluto FLEXID=7-dr54w34ft" if the FlexLM licensing can't resolve the server's name, try replacing the sever name on the client license to the server's IP address instead, like "SERVER FLEXID=7-dr54w34ft" He could use LMtools (default location is C:\aw\COM\bin\lmtools.exe)
to check the status of the server as well and if looks on the configure service tab, it will show the paths to the license file and the debug log file. The log file may have some interesting information too.

Good luck.