Maxtor 20 gig/7200 RPM for $29 from Office Depot after MIR (Dec. 8 last day)

Feb 24, 2001
Ripped from the fine folks over at FW, I take no credit for it. Just seen it recently for $29, it was 39$.

I didn't see this posted here so...

Hard Drive
apply 30 off 100 coupon floating around
40$ rebate expires the 8th

Grabbed me one. Need it for a 2nd rig im putting together, should be enough for the O/S and recording video from the TV tuner.

PS: Is ripping still ok or is it frowned upon? At least im giving credit :)

edit: doh, seems our own Engineer posted this a few days ago, guess i skipped over it :(
consider this a reminder then since it's the last day. or the mods can lock since it's a repost.

edit2: woops, engineer just linked me to the thread, my mistake :) was posted by wild dreamer.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999


edit: doh, seems our own Engineer posted this a few days ago, guess i skipped over it :(
consider this a reminder then since it's the last day. or the mods can lock since it's a repost.

Nope...not me....I just linked you to the person who did! ;)

Thanks for the gesture though :)