Maximizing html for Websites WYSIWYG


Aug 9, 2008
I have been using WYSIWYG. It is much harder to use than Wordpress. I enjoy learning the program and am looking forward to uploading it to a Webhost.

The hobby items on my website are varied and likely I will be adding other peoples items to the website. I want to maximize peoples searches so my Website comes up as frequently as possible. So my question is how and where do I word descriptions so that the items come up in search engines using WYSIWYG?

WYSIWYG has the pages and submenus listed as page1 2 3 etc. When uploaded do I want to change them to say Hirst Arts original piece instead of page 1. Hirst Arts design instead of page 2?

I will link the website to ebay. Easy enough to do with WYSIWYG. The idea though is to grab peoples attention first. Then they would look at the website to explore both the website design and items available. If I post something for sale, they can then go to the ebay store.

So again as a noob to web design my questions are html (proper technical term?) is used to link my website to search engines and how do I maximize html exposure using WYSIWYG? Also, are some web hosts better for linking my website to search engines than others (or is that all the same or dependent on price)?


Aug 9, 2008
Can anyone explain how websites become searchable on the web? I could use a brief explanation of how you add html to your website so items will come up in peoples searches.