How long can you have a coaxial cable before the quality of the signal degrades? Im trying to hook up a second TV, on another floor, with a connection to a sattelite dish that was split.
Signal loss for RG-6 is 4db per 100ft of cable. But depending on what kind of dish you have, spliting the signal may not be as easy as you think. Line loss wouldn't be a issue going from 1st to 2nd floor.
You can use line amps if you could find a supplier. And yes, RG-6 is coax. But line loss shouldn't be a problem. If you have it hooked up already and dont have a picture it might be something else. Give some specifics on what your trying to do.
You can get plug-in signal amplifiers pretty cheap. If you do need one keep an eye on what your buying - the really cheap ones introduce almost as much noise as amplification.
well, the picture is terrible. i get alot of snow and fuzziness in the picture. On the TV set that is directly connected to the dish, the picture quality is fine but on the second television, about 100 meters away or more, is the one having problems
Need more info. What kind of dish are you using? Do you have a receiver for the sattelite signal on the primary TV? Are you using a receiver for the 2nd TV? Where do you have the signal split? What frequency is the sattelite signal? Are you using splitters that pass sattelite signal? That ought to do it.
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