Hey all. Here's a theoretical question. Jimbob is creating a new computer, and he's found a great building site to do it on! Only one small problem... ADULT MALE MENOPOAUSE! OH NO! He has no idea what all this technical crap means. He just knows that some of the power will be wasted if the FSB numbers don't match up. So based on general technical information, he's picked out the AMD 2000+ XP processor, and 512mb of PC2700 RAM. But now he's thinking... gee, motherboards. Hmm. I want that UBS thingy, I don't really need that onboard sound/lan thingy but I suppose it doesn't hurt anything if it's on there, since there's gotta be a way to deactivate it... and I want it to have support for fast hard drives, like 333FSB to match the RAM and ATA133. He still has no idea which motherboard to buy. He knows what features to look for, but he still doesn't know which motherboards are going to be good overclockers for his uber-massive 2000+ (he has had a 266MHz machine for a long time). ...He's been looking at the AN17.