Awful. We have fairly strict gun control here in that you need two licenses to be able to acquire a handgun. It involves background checks and interviews with references, and a wait time of several months AFAIK. Once complete, you can buy rifles, shotguns and handguns AFAIK. You cannot legally own semi-auto, auto or military grade weapons AFAIK.
Plenty of Canadians own firearms, hunting is really popular here in rural areas and we have a lot of farmers who use rifles to deal with animals preying on their livestock.
The video fairly clearly shows a Caucasian guy in all black with a hat, looks like a beret or fedora?. My guess would be possibly another incel-type like the individual who drove a van into people earlier this year. If so, this is fairly concerning. There seems to be a a new breed of radicalized insecure young males who are feeling marginalized/inadequate, with the most fringe of this group turning to violence.
We'll probably learn more once they get into his social media.